Last update on 23.12.1997

> > > Which to avoid...

Name Where? What are they known for?
Black Knights Neuss mostly Riggers, tinker with vehicles
Boy Scouts Duesseldorf Rath Traps of all kind, domineering
Firebirds Duesseldorf Hamm On the Faehrstrasse in Duesseldorf Hamm there is the local prostitution street. This gang takes care that business goes on undisturbed.
Gothic Warriors Duesseldorf Gerresheim Go-Gang, heavily cybered, Physical Adepts
Haoles Don't Surf Hawaii Go Gang, have got contact to ALOHA (terrorists)
Law&Order Duesseldorf Koe ?
Nikes Duesseldorf Flingern, Seattle 13 year old sport shoe wearers, demolitions
Pendragons Duesseldorf Oberkassel Decker kids, their chief is called Arthur
Red Chrome Legion Duesseldorf Rath highly cybered, Metas too
even taxi drivers avoid their territorium. The Little Nuke Inn lies in their turf.
Ronins Duesseldorf Garath Guardian
Saladin Warriors Duesseldorf Oberbilk / Wersten Turks and Arabs (children of foreign workers), 70% Humans, the rest Orks and Trolls, 95% male. The chief is called Jussuf Islam.
Samurais Duesseldorf ?
Sharks Cologne-West looser Biker Gang (Toni, Frankie, Fattie)
Spiders of Darkness Hilden Southside Hilden is a suburb of Duesseldorf and a very bad place
Warriors Duesseldorf (Flingern), Oberbilk, Bilk, Rath, Wuppertal Go-Gang, Guardian, Motorbikes
Hotels in plex
Kneipen in plex

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