ABOUT Phoenix Security

About this site...

This site is dedicated to a fictional security company settled in the Rhein-Ruhr-Megaplex in the year 2057. Phoenix Security is a part of our on-going campaign within the role-playing game Shadowrun from FASA.

Of course, no corporation would open it's network like we do. But since this is only a fictional company, your access is only a fictional one, too. ;-)

Hopefully this site will grow in time. As you can already see, we are trying at the current moment to build up a database of runners who worked for Phoenix Security. This is mainly made for the campaign players, but I'm confident even none-campaigners will find something interesting.

Later on, you will learn something about failproof secrurity systems [Really? --- Smiling Bandit (23:22:56/Ha-Ha-Ha)] and be able to download some interesting documents about running player-owned corporations in your campaign

Back to the business.

Comments to: dunkelzahn@compuserve.com Shadowrun is a registered trademark of FASA Corporation. Original Shadowrun material copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or trademarks in this pages should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.
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