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Name: unknown Alias: Flash
Age: unknown Profession: Streetsamurai
Adress: unknown Race: Human
Rating: Skilled and smart, should do something with her hair
lowest income paid by Phoenix Security20.000 ECU
highest income paid by Phoenix Security20.000 ECU
total income paid by Phoenix Security20.000 ECU
last employed atJune 6th, 2057

Flash appears to be the daughter of the successful lawyer Dr. Vogel. At the current time she seems to be in some state of rebellion against the civil society. This assumption is proved by her punkish outfit (red-and-blue colored hair). Her proud and unfriendly behaviour is at first glance a disturbing personality trait but once the job has started she will develop into a valueable team member.
During her first assignment Flash showed a tremendous variety of skills, including: Fast talk with german police officers, acting as a corporate secretary, several combat skills and most important an almost natural combination of a very perceptive mind and a quick response time in handling surprising situations.
Flash could be contacted for any mission dealing with communication or negotiation. Her skills would be a definite addition towards a positive outcome.

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