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Name: unknown Alias: Herr Müller
Age: unknown Profession: Mage (with decking abilities)
Adress: unknown Race: Human
Rating: Semi-professional with an irritating attitude
lowest income paid by Phoenix Security30.000 ECU
highest income paid by Phoenix Security30.000 ECU
total income paid by Phoenix Security30.000 ECU
last employed atAugust 25th, 2057

Herr Müller is one of the awakened humans capable of working magic. His spell categories (including Health and Combat spells) are useful for any security task. Sometimes his not so common spells like "Detect Weapons" might be even more useful.

During his studies he has developed an interest in electronics and the matrix. He learned the rules of the net and is currently an intermediate decker. He works constantly to improve the components in his cyberdeck. The unusual combination of mage and decker makes him interesting for any jobs based upon a limited number of employees.

Unfortunatly Herr Müller is at the current time unavailable for work. But rest assured, if he becomes available once again, we are among the first to take notice of him.

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