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Name: Peter Alexej X... Alias: PAX
Age: unknown Profession: Streetsamurai
Adress: unknown Race: Human
Rating: Professional
lowest income paid by Phoenix Security30.000 ECU
highest income paid by Phoenix Security30.000 ECU
total income paid by Phoenix Security30.000 ECU
last employed atAugust 30th, 2057

PAX is a professional street samurai. He has choosen decent cybernetic and biotechnical enhancements to improve his skills and reaction time in critical situations.

PAX is trained in a wide varity of skills including negotiating, fighting and planning difficult tasks. If he continues to improve his physical attributes he might even be able to compete at the combat dance contests in some of the seedier pubs in the plex.

His main advantage is the ability to think first and act later. This trait of personality often avoids unnecessary conflicts. His last employment for Phoenix Security was the personal protection for the daughter of a high ranking japanese executive while dealing with a paranormal threat at the same time. Needless to say the operation was sucessful.

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