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Name: unknown Alias: Professor
Age: unknown Profession: Scientist
Adress: unknown Race: Troll
Rating: Well educated troll, has probably studied chemistry, physics and biology, has definitely studied magical theory.
lowest income paid by Phoenix Security20.000 ECU
highest income paid by Phoenix Security20.000 ECU
total income paid by Phoenix Security20.000 ECU
last employed atJune 6th, 2057

Not much to say about the Professor. Well educated troll with excellent manners. Behaves like a real professor (once he sees something interesting his mind wanders off...). As a man of knowledge he dislikes fighting. Professor has studied magical effects in theroy, despite of not being capable doing the magic himself. His comments are often helpful in finding a solution for the actual problem. In danger his thoughts move at lightning speed and he quickly develops a clever and scientific plan to gain advantage and end the threat.
Professor is a specialist and increases the chances for a success in any case dealing with scientific background or metahumanity (after all, Professor is still a huge troll!).

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