Update: 30.08.1998

Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Shadow der G.F.R. e.V.

Rollenspielverein: Gilde der Fantasy-Rollenspieler 

Comparison Shadowrun II - III
by Banshee

This are the excerpts from reading for 2 hours the absolute too expensive hard cover edition SR III (150-199 Deutsch Marks!). Let's wait for the softcover edition. Not all the following statements may be true. See it as a FIRST CONTACT.
Shadow AG House Rules are on an extra page
C Metas (more meta-rule) C Elf, Troll,
  D Ork, Dwarf

There are no ALLERGIES!

A Full Magician A Full Magician 
     25 Spellpoints free
B Adept B Adept (Phys Adept), Aspected Magician (Magic Adepts)
     35 Spellpoints free
A 30 A 30
B 24 B 27
C 20 C 24
D 17 D 21
E 15 E 18
A 40 A 50
B 30 B 40
C 24 C 34
D 20 D 30
E 17 E 27
A 1.000.000 / 50 Spellpoints A 1.000.000
B 400.000 /35 Spellpoints B 400.000
C 90.000 / 25 Spellpoints C 90.000
D 5.000 /15 Spellpoints D 20.000
E 500 / 5 Spruchpunkte E 5.000
  Magicians may buy more Spellpoints - 25.000 each up to the maximum of 50 Spellpoints.
And Magicians may buy Foci, conjure Spirits and may buy Spirit services.
Contacts further on 2 free level 1 Contacts (like in SR II)
Background Points NEW!
Intelligence x 5 Points for Knowledge and Language Skills.
Learning Attributes (at Char Generation) up to Race Max 1 Point each Attribute Level.
Learning Skills (at Char Generation) There are only Skills and Specializations. 
The Cost of the learned Skill are depending on the Default Attribute (see below).
1 Point per Level up to the Default Attribute,
2 Points per Level for levels above Default Attribute.
Specializations give 1 point free (like in SR II)
Learning Attributes (later on) 2 Points x new Attribute Level (up to Racial Max.)
3 Points x new Attribute Level (up to 1.5 x Racial Max. - round up)
Learning Skills (later on) Skill: 
1.5 Points x new Skill Level (up to Default Attribute Level) 
2 Points x new Skill Level (higher than Default Attribute) 

1 Point x new Skill Level (up to Default Attribute) 
1.5 Points x new Skill Level (higher than Default Attribute) 

0.5 Points x new Skill Level (up to Default Attribute) 
1 Point x new Skill Level (higher than Default Attribute) 
(round down if necessary)

Skillweb NO Skillweb, instead Default Attribute and Default Skills.

If using the Default Skill instead of a Skill, Target Modifier + 4.

If using the Default Skill instead of a Skill, Target Modifier + 2 and half of the Pool (round down).

Magic Pool = Sorcery Spell-Pool: (Intelligence + Willpower + Magic Attribute)/3 (round down)
Spell Casting with Spell Force Spellcasting with Sorcery 

The Spell Force is important for the Resistance Test and for some Spells the Force is the Maximum of the reached successes.

  "Magic in the Shadows" (MITS will come out in January 1999 - Mike Mulvihill (18. August 1998)
come back after each action come back only after each turn.
Pools are the same 

Magic Pool
Astral Reaction

apart from Magicians

Spell Pool: (Int + Wil + Magic Attribute)/3 (round down)
Astral Reaction: 20 + Int

start at the top, call numbers in descending order, each person responding at his total, then ten below that, etc, modified by wounds etc. Initiative /passes/... ie, each person goes once, descending order, etc, then subtract 10 from everyone's total: everyone w/ a positive new total gets to go again (descending order)... repeat ad nauseam.
Standard Success (or Opposed) Test:
Count the successes against a target number
Sometimes there is an Open Test
  • Stealth,
  • Performance test like in Shadowbeat,
  • Driving Test for the Driving Points for the Maneuver Score (Rigger))
  • Role a number of dice, discard all but the highest single die result. The Rule of Six applies to Open Tests (re-roll and add the result). The result is e.g. at the Stealth Test the target number for the Perception Test.)
    Karma Pool dice may be used to roll an extra die and add the result.
    Spell Lock Sustaining Focus
    has to be casted anew for each time using the Focus. The Focus is customed exactly for the Spell with Force etc. 
    The drain for casted Spells afterwards is +2.
    Alphaware: Costs x 3 Costs x 2 
    Is allowed at the Char Generation (Gamemaster’s Approval)
    Decker VR 2.0 is still the law, the prices for buying Cyberdecks went down.
    There are Rules for Hacking and Copying Programes.
    Rigger Rigger 2 is the law.
    Physical Adepts The powers have been adjusted.

    Example: Increase Reflexes has got the some benefits and costs like the Cyberware Wired Reflexes.

    Adepts may buy 1 Force Point with 20 Karma Points.
    (That seems to be be rule till MITS comes out)

    Karma Pool  
    1 Point each 10 Karma Points into the Pool 1 Point each 10 Karma Points (Humans) / each 20 Karma Points (Meta Humans) into the Pool.

    if using the Default Attribute
    Target +4
    side by side standing Skills are Default Skills
    Target +2 and half of the Pool
    Body Athletics
    Strength Edged Weapons, Clubs, Pole Arms/Staffs
      Cyberimplant Combat, Unarmed Combat
      Throwing Weapons
      Projectile Weapons
      Heavy Weapons
      Underwater Combat
    Quickness Pistols, Submachine Guns, Rifles, Assault Rifles, Shotguns
      Laser Weapons
    Intelligence Aura Reading 
      Gunnery, Launch Weapons
    Attention: The Under Barrel Granade Launcher for the Assault Rifle may be defaulted to Assault Rifle instead
      Computer, Electronics
    (is to be bought for each active skill separately)
      Knowledge Skills 
    Here one must specify the reagion, e.g. Knowledge Magic, Knowledge Computer, Knowledge Soccer, Area Knowledge Seattle etc.
      Language Skills
    At Char Generation one get 1.5 x Int Language Points for free.
    The Read/Write Skill belonging to is free for one half of the Language Skill Level (round down).
    Will come in the MITS, but we just put it in here.
    Charisma Etiquette
    Seems to be just one Skill - but of course with Specializations
    House Rule: One must specify the region (Etiquette Street, Corp etc.)
      Interrogation, Intimidation
    Willpower Conjuring
    Special Skills (Reaction) Bike
      Motorboat, Ship
      Fixed-Winged Aircraft, Rotor Aircraft, Vector Thrust Aircraft, Lighter-Than-Air Aircraft

    Zusätzliche Info Files (bis die NewsSeite oben ist)
    Die Ki-Adepten-Liste
    Religion in Shadowrun

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