Culture of the New Races Humans
Water Races
Aerial Races

The Gods of the New Races

The Human Race

The humans of Coraxia live in a loosely-knit tribal organization. Many tribes speak different languages, come from different parts of the continent, and have different physical features. They call themselves different names, which all mean or are variations of (in their language) "People from the Sky."

The tribes often travel from one part of the continent to the other, depending on their location and how their customs decide. Some tribes travel north to warmer climes during the winter, some travel south, and some migrate to forests or deserts. Some stay where they are, and some don't have a choice but to remain in one place. Some travel for food, others travel for climate, and still others travel to stay safe.

Technologically, the tribes pale in comparison to the civilized humans of the west. The tribes have developed bronze working, which is used for smithing weapons and tools. They find their metal from either older metal goods strewn across the continent or from trading with the mountain tribes or dwarves. Most of their goods are made of wood or animal hides, or furs in the colder climates. The tribes have little or no control over magic, with the exception of an occasional artifact of some lost civilization, and usually the tribal shaman or leader is in possession of the item's incredible powers. The tribes often have domesticated animals, such as horses, dogs, bovines, hogs and in some cases more vicious, typically wilder animals.

The tribes have a great respect for their gods, for their families, and for each other. Tribes often undergo festivals, hunts, fasts, battles, dances, congregations, sacrifices and other rituals to keep their gods pleased. Tribals treat their honored family members the same way. Some tribes believe that this honor stems from an idea that the gods (at least the lesser gods of their pantheon) were once tribals themselves. Some tribes even claim to be descendent from the family of certain deities. This practice is not popular, however, as some tribes have fought battles over their lineages. War is something that many of the tribes do not hold dear. Most tribes, however, remain armed in case the threat of battle comes into their knowledge. Some tribes tell stories of great wars they have had with the goblinoid tribes, but few tribals remember anything more than short hazing skirmishes.

The Dwarven Clans

Three distinct cultures of dwarves inhabit the main continent of Coraxia: the hill dwarves, the mountain dwarves and the jungle dwarves. 1