What's New
Updated 5-31
You may have noticed that this page has been COMPLETELY overhaulled.
No, this isn't a mistake, and I realize that you may be a tad disoriented. Well, to make it
simple, if it was there before, it is here now. It's just somewhere else. Where, I can't
remember at the moment, but I'm sure if you hunt around, you'll find it sooner or later.
Hopefully sooner so you can come back later. Polar the Ork Physical Adept, runner of no
small water and who formerly ran this site, has fallen. Let's just say it was a corp's fault.
I was one of his true friends, hard to come by nowadays, and I want to make a small effort to
continue what he started. Now updated, renamed the Shadowrun Emporium, and expanded,
Polar's ShadowHaven lives on, whether its creator does or not. Following is a list of
updates that I have done, most recent first. Thanks for your continued patronage.