Eric Abraham, Matt Lowther, Dave Richter, Bryan Bremer and Brian "Tex" Meixl make up the band called Fallout. Here are some almost true, semi-facts about the band.
Eric plays bass guitar, keyboards and sings quite a bit. His favorite color is black and he is arguably a better tennis player than Dave.
Matt plays the guitar at volumes almost unbearable to the human ear. He likes to eat cake and cookies for breakfast and owns more teal clothes than anyone in the world.
Dave is the lead singer of the band and seems to enjoy cordless microphones. Dave also plays guitar in some songs, and his guitar has been held together by Elmer's Wood Glue for the past six months.
Bryan plays guitar, bass guitar, and tries to sing louder than Eric. He is by far the nicest Fallout member, he rarely makes any mistakes, and yes, he is the one writing this band biography.
Tex is the mighty drummer. He likes to ride horseback, take walks on the beach, and invest in the stock market. He drives a Mercedes, and he will drive that car all day, every day, until the real owner realizes it's missing. He still prefers the name Stinkbait over Fallout.
Please go back and E-mail me if you can tell me any traits I forgot about these five band members. I'll be waiting for your messages.
P.S. We would like to thank everybody that has supported us and helped us grow to where we are now. We hope to continue seeing you all at our shows. Thank you!