A Young Dead Woman

No matter who you are, you are alive: pass quickly

Among the grasses by my humble vault:

Don't crush the flowers where I lie unconsoled

Listening to the climbing ant and ivy.

I think you stopped. That singing was a dove:

it moaned.

Oh no, don't sacrifice it on my tomb.

To earn my favour, give it flight and freedom.

Life is so sweet: oh, let it live, my friend.

It was under the myrtle garland, at the door,

On the sill of marriage I died, a virgin wife,

So near - already far from him I used to love.

So my eyes closed against the happy light.

And now I stay -- alas, for evermore --

With Erebus deaf to prayers, in the embrace of Night.

JOSE - MARIE DE HEREDIA (1842 - 1905)


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