Welcome to Dredd's Lords of Magic page. This page was created for the sole purpose of providing a gathering place for new, user created maps for the game Lords of Magic: Special Edition.

Obviously I haven't been updating the page in the past couple years, partly due to other obligations in my life, and partly due to the lack of maps being created/submitted. But I'm still here in case anyone thought the lights were on but nobody was home!

Thanks to Impressions for the kind use of some graphic images from the game and their site.

Thanks for stopping by!


July 6, 2002
One new map: The Battlegrounds by David L. Sibley. Check it out on the maps page. Also, a ton of the links on the map page were broken - I fixed them all. In so doing I realized I'm missing the file for Wildezword's "Empress Amazon". If any has a copy could you send it along?

January 29, 2002
Just checking in to say I'm still alive. No new maps have been received....

January 23, 2000
Where should I start?? I'll be brief:
- Added 10 new maps.
- Added 2 new scenarios and gave scenarios their own page.
- Added Map Tips and Hints courtesy of Wildezword.
- Removed the "Rate the Maps" page (if you really liked the idea, sorry! Maybe I'll try to do something a little more sophisticated....)

January 22, 2000
I'm in the middle of updating the site, so some of the links might not be working - I beg for your patience! Specifically, I have work to do on the Map Help and Tips and the Lords of Magic Info pages before they will be activitated.

January 14, 2000
I've returned from the dead and will be adding a substantial number of maps to the page over the next couple weeks. Thanks to all who have provided continued feedback over the past months!

February 20, 1999
Added four new general maps and one scenario from Wildezword, Gold Eagle, and Cassidy.

January 24, 1999
Added one general map and three scenarios from Quarantine. Also, I am working on updating this site to include a wider array of Lords of Magic Special Edition info. Look for a greatly expanded site coming within the next couple weeks.

January 14, 1999
- Added mail links for all map authors. If you like their maps, let them know!!
- Added the "Rate the Maps!" page. If you like the maps, let me know!!

January 12, 1999
Added graphic images and several maps, including "Veil of Tears."

January 7, 1999
Created "Dredd's Lords of Magic Page (a download site for LOMSE user created maps)"

Email: dredd_8558@geocities.com
Copyright © Stephen M. Daly 2002

Lords of Magic and all images taken from the game are Copyright © Impressions Software 1998

Lords of Magic is property of Impressions Software and Sierra. All rights reserved.