* This is the first review submitted, before we continue I would like to stress that Bane is an Immortal on AOD. However I checked it out briefly to verify its existence and it looks pretty decent. Hopefully this submition will be the first of many that will be given to us for the benefit of other mudders. If you know anything of this MUD, drop us a submition and we'll throw it up for you. Thanx again to Bane for submitting this.*
Bane Wrote:
"Welcome to the Age of Darkness, where Raven has taken over, spreading her evil accross the lands. Few people stand in her way. Will you choose to follow her and her ideals? Or will you fight against her, to reclaim the world from her evil? In the meantime, create an empire! Control the economy and all that you can. But watch out, becuase your enemy is planning an assassination of you. These are among many things you will find at AOD, where the immortals are there to help YOU, not to fulfill their own egos. Come and try it for yourself!"
Advice: Can't really give any advice on this one just right now, coz we are still gonna pop in and check it out. From initial viewpoints though, doesn't look much like a newbie MUD, but it does seem pretty cool. Shit loads to do too.. not many players though coz i think its still relatively new. Well thats the initial view of the MUD so far, we'll keep you up to date as we progress in it.
If you wanna try your luck in Age Of Darkness, follow this link:
Or you could just click the title/banner at the top to zoom on over to their homepage.