What is leet? leet is cracking unix admin passwords, leet is bypassing the firewall on your school's network, leet is creating your own computer from scratch, leet is wiring your own lan in your house, leet is powering two 10 inch subwoofers with 3 computer power supplies, leet is neons on a 5.0 GT, not neons on a honda civic, leet is downloading movies, not paying regal; leet is creating a webpage and making money from it, leet is philly, not west virginia; leet is getting the new korn album 3 months in advance, leet is rembering when your 14.4 external modem was fast, leet is downloading Jedi Knight 2, going to the bathroom, coming back and its complete; leet is irc, not p2p; leet is @ |o ( , not a b c; leet is knowing DOS commands, leeter is know unix commands; leet is running 5 computer in you house, with one monitor; leet is tv out, leet is taking apart a monitor to spray the caseing black, leet is using a stolen RCN account incase the broadband goes out, leet is muchmusic, leet is using your trail pass to bypass a lock; leet is changing your own oil and brakes, leet is making ur own background in photoshop, leet is 5x7 ford speakers in a toyota corolla, leet is everclear not skyy, leet is a 30 grand toyota supra, not 150 grand ferrari; leet is winning a Geforce3 for being skilled at a video game, leet is creating your own virus, leet is curing that virus when it gets out of hand, leet is cyberspace matrix, not cyber stop; leet is frying an egg on your 1.7gig intel processor, leet is costing the software industry 11 billion in loses due to piracy, leet is being a pirate, not a script kiddie; leet is rembering when cd burning took a whole half hour, leet is having 89 movies on your computer, leet is filling an 80 gig hd with mp3s, leet is having just as many music videos, leet is creating your own buddy icon, leet is blue leds on your nokia, not green; leet is the box network, leet is modchiped playstation, not cdswap trick; leet is root access, leet is reverse engineering to get what you want, leet is living off caffine, leet is overclocking anything and everything, leet is making windows work well, leet is realizing there is more then just windows, leet is bbsing through a 2600 baud modem, leet is codito ergo sum, leet is speaking two languages, leet is iA, murda inc and squad, not the rest; leet is describing leet in one long ass compound sentence.