Zoe's Sanctuary


Here, you embark upon the story of a girl who was embraced into a world she was never meant to enter, yet fate dictates this is her destiny. Read of her life, her loss, her love, and her hope...


Chapter I
Mortal Life
Chapter II
The Embrace
Chapter III
The Umbra
Chapter IV
Home Again
From her difficult childhood in the States to her move to London, England. Coping with her forced Embrace in London...finding love and piecing back her life only to lose everything once again...a forced blood bond and her move to Edinburgh, Scotland. A harrowing experience in the forbidden realm of the Umbra leaves her changed once again...and almost human...she then leaves her clan behind and moves to Nottingham, England. Leaving Europe behind, Zoë returns to her home continent with her newly wedded husband and two dear friends to start anew in St. Louis, Missouri.



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Last Updated: April 2, 2000