Full Name: Marjorie Simpson. Marge is a Housewife and takes care of Maggie and cleans the house. She also cooks food,
goes shopping and washes. All her efforts are unapreciated but she has learned to live with it. The rest of the family thinks of her
as an annoying, nice person who can't compete in the real world. Marge is about 5 feet 7 (8 feet with hair), 32 years old and 135
pounds. Generally she is very nice to everyone and enjoys her duties as a Housewife. (SHE IS ALSO A TYPICAL MIDDLE AGE
AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE) (no offense to anyone)
Favourite Food: Anything that is reasonably healthy
Favourite Drink: Water
Favourite TV Show: N/A
Hobby: Nagging Everyone
Favourite Person: Everybody that's nice
Hated Person: Itchy and/or Scratchy
Catchphrase: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!?!!!
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