May 29, 1999: I added a new section to the site: News! It isn't much, but it's a start. I've also added some more polls for your polling pleasure, and will keep adding them until I can't think of another poll that I hadn't already made. See 'ya! May 26, 1999: I deleted the Cool Games and Reviews sections of the site. They were taking up too much space, and I never use them anymore. I'm just focusing on main themes from now on, like my new cumpooter game, Risk. Speaking of which, I've added a new section just for it. See 'ya! May 9, 1999: Added a new section to my site, the Polls area! I love to post up polls and this place is going to be the culmination of all my hard pollwork. I originally only had three that I could put up, but, true to my word, I added another one. I also put in a link for it in the index page. And if you have some problems with getting back to the polls page after polling, don't worry, I'll have that under control soon enough. See 'ya! April 24, 1999: Okay, this'll never do. I'm stopping the contest now until I'm done with the site and have enough time to actually do something with the place. Anyway, I added a profile in the Wprofs and actually did something to the Pokemon section of my site for the first time in gosh-knows how long. It's a new page all about the spiffy things about Pokemon. None of the links work yet, though, but they will once I've actually made pages for them. Anyway, I gotta go, so See 'ya! April 8, 1999: Sorry about the lack of updates, but I haven't been feeling the need to do anything ever since the stupid little logo wouldn't work and I couldn't find my HTML packet thingy and and and...! Oh, well. Right now I'm visiting my sister in sunny San Diego, and so I can't post up alot of stuff I was going to because it's all on our computer at home. Oh, well. Anyway, I added some stuff to the Warcraft Cheats page and to the Reviews page. If only....Oh, well, when I become a computer game programmer I'll put all that stuff in there. Meanwhile, I'll just have to sit and wait, writing HTML. By the way, the contest entry date was pushed back to March 1. At the rate I'm going, I'll never get any of the little thingies done. See 'ya! April 1, 1999: Hey, it's April Fools Day! I won't do any really wacko stuff to celebrate here on the site, but I might slip in a few things here and there(hehe). In fact, I'll start a contest: the first person to find out what ALL the spiffy stuffses is(other than spelling and grammar) and tells me wins a spiffy little prize! The contest ends April 23rd, 2099(and, yes, that one does count, but you don't have to tell me that one if you have all the rest). So go out there, and spend alot of time on my site!! Oh, and, by the way, I've updated the Warcraft Profiles, Reviews, and a few other odds and ends. I'm thinking of changing around some of the backgrounds to look more like what that page is all about. Anyway, hope to see you soon!