Wanna see what's new at my site?

Or are you just curious?

  Cool. This is the area of my site where I put down all the stuff that
 has happened to my site or is relevent to it. Every so often I will save
 these in here. So sit back, relax (some more), and have a blast. See 'ya!

March 4, 2006:
I probably haven't even looked at this page since I wrote up that last update almost a year and a half ago. That isn't to say that I haven't been updating, just that I haven't been keeping a record of said alterations. My aspirations have changed little, but so has the site: I still want to expand the Weird Al section so I can be the envy of my paranoid delusions, and I have yet to give up on my dream of making this site a single, cohesive force to be reckoned with. The only thing that's really changed in the intervening time is my online wishlist, which I have been updating religiously with additional and streamlined content, and I am quite proud of the results. It's sleek, it's functional, and it gives the user everything they need to know, and more. It's the culmination of my life's work in HTML (so far). On a similar front, I have recently (at the behest of one of my former co-workers) joined the online community at MySpace.com, where I have established an online web log, or blog, that has become the object of my affection for the past few months. I was lucky enough to get there before someone else stole my "handle," as it were, so I was able to secure the lucrative and highly coveted address of www.myspace.com/sharkeeboy. Looks like I'm moving up in the world ^_^. See 'ya!

November 25, 2004:
Once again I find myself deleting extranneous and unnecessary files that simply took up space that could otherwise have been used for something more substantial, such as an interactive Jell-O recipe book or a catalogue of reptilian undergarments. While neither of those have since replaced the recently departed contents of my painstakingly handcrafted site, I have actually created enough brand-new material to warrant amending this page for the first time nearly five months: my holiday wishlist. No longer shall I be forced to e-mail or otherwise transmit the enumerated contents of my maniacally possessive subconscious; for it is now floating about in the informational void we call the matrix - er, internet - for all to see if they so choose (assuming I have given them the URL). Let the world rejoice in my unabashedly naked display of frenzied holiday greed and wanton selfishness! (and remember folks, it isn't just for Christmas - *wink* *wink*) See 'ya!

July 2, 2004:
Yes, dear friends (i.e. just me), it has been a while since my last update, though I have altered the site during this time, mostly just adding single pages for the members of AWB to sneak a peek at every once in a while. I have now completely eliminated the Blizzard portion of my site, as I have long since lost interest in adding anything useful in there, so the only subsections left standing are the Updates section and the still-incomplete "Weird Al" Yankovic section, though I may finally get around to doing something with that eventually. For now I am simply using this site as a spaceholder for various HTML-like things that I am doing, but if you want to see what this can become, then you might want to check out the Weird Al site I made for a college HTML class here and which will be the basis for the pages I'll make for this site. See 'ya!

September 7, 2003:
Remember when I was saying that all those audio clips were taking up space? Well, I did something about that - I completely removed every extranneous file, folder, subfolder, image, page, etc., that was simply taking up space and not being used. So gone is the entire Starcraft section (which I never actually put anything in - ever), a good portion of the Warcraft section (A whole buncha stuff I never got around to using), and various other tidbits. And I'm still nearing my account limit. I'm thinking of changing the way I present the audio clips and making them smaller so as to alleviate the space crunch. Oh, and I archived all the extranneous junk on the updates page in the OUP pages where they belong. See 'ya! 1