This page will consist of an ever-growing list of words. In the beginning I will make no attempt to organize them, but if the list grows to be out of control, I might not have a choice. Feel free to send any interesting words you find to me, and I will post them, giving you credit.
Many of the words on this list will be from A.Word.A.Day (AWAD). You can subscribe to their word program and recieve a word each day be email

This page currently houses 45 words

stipend-noun; A fixed sum of money paid periodically for services.

truculent-adj; Fierce, savage.

inveterate-adj; Seasoned.

egregious-adj; Conspicuously bad.

relegate-verb; To banish.

imbibe-verb; To drink.

circumlocution-noun; Overly roundabout way of saying something.

coruscant-adj; Shimmering, sparkling.

adherent-noun; A follower or supporter.

effrontoey-noun; Shamelessness, boldness.

revile-verb; To criticize with harsh language, verbally abuse.

travesty-noun; A parody, exaggerated imitation.

dulcet-adj; Pleasant sounding; soothing.

egregious-adj; Conspicuously bad.

voluble-adj; Speaking easily; talkative.

defalcation-noun; embezzlement.

mendacious-adj; Dishonest.

inception-noun; The start; beginning.

rancor-noun; Bitter hatred.

stolid-adj; Showing or feeling little emotion.

protract-verb; To draw out or lengthen in time; prolong.

osculate-verb; To kiss.

trenchant-adj; Incisive; well constructed.

perfidious-adj; disloyal; not trustworthy.

circumspect-adj; cautious, wary.

New words as of 11.26.98
diatribe-noun; A bitter, abusive denunciation.

seriatim-noun; One after another; in a series.

numen-noun; A presiding divinity or spirit of a place.

occiput-noun; The back part of the head or skull.

gravamen-noun; Law. The part of a charge or an accusation that weighs most substantially against the accused.

New words as of 11.25.98
extricate-verb; To free, disentangle.

onerous-adj; involving or imposing a burden.

pleonasm-noun; The use of more words than are necessary; redundancy.

Sword of Damocles-noun; An impending disaster.

distend-verb; to swell or grow.

New words as of 11.17.98
aphelion-noun; The point on the orbit of a celestial body that is farthest from the sun.

welkin-noun; The vault of heaven; the sky.

immix-verb; to commingle, blend

admix-verb; to mix or blend

henotheism-noun; Belief in one god without denying the existence of others.

New words as of 11.15.98 ***First List!***
kaput-adj; Having been destroyed; wrecked.

iconoclast-noun; One who destroys sacred religious images.

traduce-verb; To slander.

posthumous-adj; Occurring or continuing after one's death: a posthumous award.

daedal-adj; Ingenious and complex in design or function; intricate.

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