Our ultra-exciting DGG Meeting took place today.
First of all, Adam Cubbage got voted off the island 3 times before we
even started the meeting.
Here's what happened after we started:
We discussed who is running games.
Other exciting things also happened.
Bad Ogre IV stuff happened.
As Joe quit, we had a Pooh-Bah election too.
That's all that happened.
It was ultra-exciting.
1. Adam Cubbage is running Lodoss on Thursdays and will be starting a
space game called Solrion that he made.
2. Brian Hostermann may restart Shadowfun, but it is already full
anyway, so you shouldn't care.
3. Sean Bittinger is still working on the game where people fuck off and
4. Kalyn Wilson is running a 2nd ed. AD&D game.
5. Dave Tomczyk is running a 3rd ed. AD&D game, but it's full.
6. Adam Roth may run GURPS Discworld.
7. Joe Ziadeh is running a Vampire game.
8. Mikhel Allpere may run a Rifts game.
9. Clint is running his fantasy game on Mondays.
10. Miniature gaming will continue to be on Wednesdays.
1. Joe quit his job as Pooh-Bah.
2. Sean told me that Adam C. lost his peter in a farming accident.
3. Joe voted to sterilize Sean and we agreed.
4. We have $550 to spend. So far only 3rd edition books and Vampire
sourcebooks have been mentioned to buy.
1. We are starting earlier this year planning for B.O.4
2. The committee (Adam C., Adam R., Kalyn W., and Devin G.) will meet
next month.
1. Adam's chair was nominated, but it couldn't accept the nomination.
2. Adam "Guy in the Middle" Roth and Kalyn Wilson were nominated.
3. Adam Roth won the initial election by a vote of 9-8, but after
reflection we realized only 13 people were eligible to vote, so
fishiness was abound. After deliberation we decided to elect them both
simultaneously to the 2nd Pooh-Bah position (even though this is
January 15, 2001
It has been a long time since I updated this page.
It's now 2001! Welcome back for the spring semester DGG!
We'll have a meeting on Thursday the 18th at 7:00 PM in the upper Ash Lounge.
January 16, 2000
Ok... long message.
First...we had a meeting a long time ago that I forgot to say anything about. Here is what happened on December 8, 1999.
We met in Beta at 7:00 PM and discussed new or ongoing campaigns. Here is what we found out:
Now that I'm done talking about the meeting, let me just say welcome back for the new semester. If you think you're too weird, tell someone so I can eventually change it if I ever get off my lazy butt. Thanks. By the way, I realize that the webpage may be screwed up. I have no idea why this is happening, since the page worked fine on Geocities. It did this on Xoom, though, which lends me to believe that something is afoot. I'll try to fix it sometime. Have a nice day.
November 17, 1999
Yay I last wrote here in February. That is a LONG ASS time. Unfortunately, there isn't tons to talk about. Oh well.
1. We had a meeting to start off the year. Not much happened... all we did was laugh a lot.
2. Adam's car was confiscated and turn into a snotling pump wagon. It was then driven around in the Homecoming parade.
3. We had BAD OGRE (Big Ass Day of Gaming Roleplaying and Eating). We all went onto 3rd floor Slayter and played RPGs and Warhammer. Devin played with the big projector and computer to make neat stuff on the wall.
4. We had the Halloween dance after BAD OGRE. I wasn't there, but I hear it was neat.
Ok... that's all the news I think. Nothing else is happening for a while, but I'll keep you informed 2 years after it happens.
February 21, 1999
Ok... no one came to the meeting practically, so I am pissed. Here's what happened, even though I'm sure none of you are going to check the web page.
Maybe a White Wolf campaign will start?
And a post-meeting thing arose too: There will be a high-level AD&D campaign run by Adam in the near future using HIS fancy world incorporating lots of different AD&D worlds. Ok.
January 24, 1999
For all those who didn't attend the meeting, or those keeping scrupulous notes about each and every thing we do in the club, here is what happened on Friday:
A WEREWOLF campaign is going to start soon. So far, Geralyn Holmes and Erin Kaczur are signed up for this system.
We will also be starting a PALLADIUM campaign. Signed participants are Adam Cubbage, Kalyn Wilson, Nathan Kott, Hydy Paige, Jared Schuetter, and Jeremy Foust.
Miniature Systems are now incorporated: Warhammer (fantasy battle), Warhammer 40k (future battle), Necromunda (gang warfare in world of 40k), Blood Bowl (football with monsters). So far, we only know that Blood Bowl will be taught in the Smith Lounge on Mondays around 8:00 PM.
Computer Battle Systems will be around in the near future! The only game right now that we have slated is Battletech, though more will surely follow. Devin Gingrich and Jared Barton are in charge of THAT project.
Adam Cubbage is going to run a campaign (hopefully) in a month or so that is based on space-type futuristic stuff, as far as I can tell.
In related news, Adam made an ass of himself at the meeting, as usual. Thanks to all who came, and for those who didn't, SHAME ON YOU! There's only one damn meeting a month, and they only last an hour or so. In OTHER related news, Faust, Cubbage and I took a trip to Columbus in order to price and buy some miniatures. Don't be fooled, the miniatures belong to US... we paid for them ;) I think that's all the news for today. It's a lot of news too. That's good for once.
January 20, 1999
Wow! Ok, it's been a really long time since I wrote anything in the news (actually, I've only written one entry). There isn't much to report, though. Yay for holiday break which lasted a really, really long time. In case anyone looks on this page instead of checking e-mail, there's a meeting for DGG on Friday the 22nd at 7:00 PM at the University Room. We'll talk about systems we're going to play, who will run them, etc. As of now, no one has started any campaigns or really done anything at all in the club. Let's hope the Grand Pooh Bah can help us through this troubled time. Ok I'm done.
December 2, 1998
Today marked the GRAND OPENING OF THE DGG! With the election of Grand Pooh Bah of Timmy Jared, our club went over and revised the constitution, then discussed future goals. The rest of the time we made fun of Adam, appointed Geoff Emperor of East Bumblefuck, and planned our abduction of Timmy. Judging from the meeting itself, it appears as though this will be a lot of fun as long as we don't kill each other when we actually start playing. Time will tell.
Send information to Faust or Barton about any stuff you want so we can tell the DCGA what we need to buy.
Brian Hosterman is going to start a Warhammer fantasy campaign!
Adam did not make an ass of himself. I was disappointed.