Scary Liz's Homepage
Welcome to my webpage, I am Scary Lyz, or Jellybean, Rusty, or whatever you want to call me. -FINALLY- that annoying psychedelic background was layed to rest because of the sheer amounts of epileptic seizures it ended up causing. Phew. This site has been redone! Yay! I know it was.. kinda.. well.. Scary for a while.. but take a look around.. and enjoy yourself, remember..beware of dragons because you are crunchy.. and taste good with ketchup!
Click on the picture of Deedlit (above) To go to My anime site, The Record Of Lodoss War!
Click on the picture above to go to my favorite anime site, The Tenchi Muyo Gallery!
Click on the book to go to my role play character's Story Line. Click on the picture of my character, Slivens to go to the Slivens Art Gallery
Click on the picture of my adorable wacky boyfriend to go to my Tribute To Scary Adam.
Click On me to go to my Greeley West Pride of The Spartans Marching Band 1998 Page
Click on Odie to go to my friends page!!!
Click on the Sailor Scouts to go to my awesome Sailor Moon Site
Click on the Yellow Submarine to go to my Beatles Page!!!
Click on the feline above to go to my not so brand new anymore Anthropomorphics Page!!!
Click on the swing dancers above to go to my SWELL SWINGER PAGE (Revamped and Redone for your viewing pleasure)!!!!!!
Click on Godzilla to go to my tribute to my sun and my moon, Andy Unfug.
Click on the Picture above to go to my SMOKY HILL PROM page, (also my wedding and honey moon pages.. ::giggles::)
Finally ending up having to fix this website there has been many advances, the friends page is functional, the me page is updated, the swing page is actually there and thankfully un-uglified, Andy's page is up and running, and you aren't having seizures. You can thank me later.
Scary Liz
Links: Dragon Art Archive
Awesome Lodoss War Site
Evangelion Site