Compiled by Lady Sorshalyn Myriss-Darkmass and Lord Landrag Myriss

Would like to thank Lord Tzusun Losttrail as well for verifications

Please note all symbols for the Arkati were designed based on text information and may be different then that envisioned by the gods themselves, i.e. Simutronics.

The Favor to Learn column is an estimation and is not accurate. It is given as a reference to the relative amounts of favor needed per step. Actual favor gained from a creature depends on level of creature relative to the character killing it, mind state(numb, clear, etc.), and several other factors I am not privy to. Costs to use Symbols are tested by the globe in the Master's Hall.

StepNumber Symbol Arkati Arkati's Symbol Favor to Learn Favor to Use Use Result Command to Use
1 Recognition Tonis 0 0 Identifies all Voln members and undead in a room Symbol of Recognition
2 Blessing Eonak 25 1 Bless a normal weapon for 3 swings per completed step Symbol of Blessing my
3 Thought Oleani 25 Varies Send a thought on the Voln thought net, length of message determines amount of favor used Symbol of Thought
4 Recovery Cholen 25 1 Restores about 10 hp Symbol of Recovery
5 Courage Jastev 50 1 Increases resistance to fear attacks and increases AS by number of steps completed Symbol of Courage
6 Protection Imaera 50 1 Increases DS by steps completed Symbol of Protection
7 Throw Charl 50 None* Throw opponents, costs favor if used against anything but undead Throw
8 Punch Kai 75 None* Punch opponents, costs favor if used against anything but undead Punch
9 Kick Phoen 75 None* Kick opponents, costs favor if used against anything but undead Kick
10 Calm Lorminstra 75 1 Calms opponents Symbol of Calm
11 Sleep Ronan 100 1 Puts oppoenents to sleep Symbol of Sleep
12 Turning Lumnis 100 1 Turn undead Symbol of Turning
13 Mana Koar 100 1 Exchange 2 deeds for a full mana recharge Symbol of Mana
14 Sight Tonis 125 1 Locate a Voln member Symbol of Sight
15 Holiness Eonak 125 3 Bless magical weapons for 4 swings per step completed Symbol of Holiness my
16 Submission Oleani 125 3? Render undead non-hostile Symbol of Submission
17 Restoration Cholen 150 1 Restore 25-50 hp Symbol of Restoration
18 Need Jastev 150 3-5 Broadcast situation to all Voln members Symbol of Need
19 Retribution Imaera 150 5 E-wave type attack versus undead Symbol of Retribution
20 Throw 2 Charl 175 None* Throw opponents, costs favor if used against anything but undead Throw
21 Punch 2 Kai 175 None* Punch opponents, costs favor if used against anything but undead Punch
22 Kick 2 Phoen 175 None* Kick opponents, costs favor if used against anything but undead Kick
23 Preservation Lorminstra 200 5 Life keep yourself when dead Symbol of Preservation
24 Dreams Ronan 200 5 Increase recovery rate of hp, mp, sp, and experience Symbol of Dreams
25 Return Lumnis 200 6-8 Fog to Voln courtyard Symbol of Return
26  Invitation Koar 225 ? Allows you to invite others into the Order Invite

If you have any corrections or notice anything I have over looked you would like to see, e-mail me.