Elemental Druids of Legends

The Clergy of Legends of Furcadia


Followers of the Primes of Furcadia 

            For those of you who do not know, the Elemental Druids are a faction under the tutelage of the  Faction Leader, Rare Beauty. The goals of Elemental Druids are:


  1. - We try to help all Furres that visit Furcadia and Sanctuary.
  2. - Are the Counselors and help all other Factions in their duties to City of Legends.
  3. - Try to help teach the info found on the pages of Talzhemir’s Treasure Trove concerning the Primes to further understanding of the background of Furcadia.


  1. - We carry the blessings of the Primes to share freely with all Furres regardless of rank and privilege.
  2. - Organizing HeartBondings ,Adoptions Weddings and Counseling  on Furcadia.
  3. - Counsel Furres that are in need of Salvation and bless them before quests.
  4. - Serve as the Priests of City of Legends and Furcadia

Services offered by The Elemental Druids


  • Weddings are conducted under a form of loose guidelines..We provide the outline and allow the Priest performing the wedding the lassitude to improvise and add their own flavour..Thus allowing for a more personal and heart felt service.


  • This is the most saddening and sometimes heartwrenching part of the Prophets job..Again ..As this is sometimes a very personal thing ..we allow the Priests to use their own flavour and only provide a loose guideline on the procedures


  • Other than Weddings, this is my most favourite ceremony.And as stated before, we only provide a guideline to the ceremony..Allowing the Priest to instill their own style and thus allowing it to be more personal and heart felt..


  • This is a new service we are happy to provide for all the Furres who wish to adopt another furre to their family and to share their love with that furre.

The Primes

  • We are very happy to say that we are now going to offer classess in the primes. Please watch the boars for more info.

And Others

  • We also set up counseling sessions for those in need of assistance and need to just have someone listen.. We do not claim to have all the answers ..just some suggestions... ie/ talk to parents, guidance counselors and others. 


We are your source of Knowledge of the Primes and also the IC religious order of Furcadia and we are always available to perform whatever ceremonies that may be required in Furcadia. Also, we are Councilors and always available if you just need to have someone listen (OOC or IC) so please don't be afraid to ask.

These are basically the ideals and direction of the Elemental Druids.. We are not here to tell others what they can and cannot do.. Only to assist them in their efforts to do what is right and just …and maybe to listen and help them find the true direction from within themselves..

Links to other faction pages 

Important Guild Links
LoF Furcadian Enquirer
Druids Join LoF
Defenders Youlanda's Furc
 Mages Nobles
Merchants  Crafters 
 Healers Festivalians
The Foot University
 Dreamers Elder Council



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For problems or questions regarding this web contact druid@nitemyste.com.
Last updated: October 18, 1999.