1:35 Modern Photos

ffl01.jpg (70908 bytes)  ffl02.jpg (54944 bytes)  ffl03.jpg (90179 bytes)  ffl04.jpg (86869 bytes)  ffl05.jpg (42019 bytes)
Dragons French Foreign Legion

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Dragons MACV-SOG

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Dragons US Marines (modern)

USRANGERS.jpg (54231 bytes)
Dragons US Rangers

SNI1.jpg (62931 bytes) sni2.jpg (64815 bytes) sni3.jpg (70311 bytes)
Dragons Soviet Naval Infantry

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Dragons NYPD Emergency Service Unit

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Dragons BMP-2

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Dragons BTR-60   The one with the crap toy hinges

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Esci LAV25 Piranha

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Esci LAV 25 Air Defense Vehicle. Personally I think a rotary 25mm cannon would make one heck of a chainsaw.