Yes I am a trekkie. I love star trek. Well I love most sci-fi. My favourite ...well this a tough one but probably B5. But B5 ended a while back. Where I live both DS9 and Voyager are still playing.
I have often wondered about the ships shown in Star Trek and thought I could design a better
looking ship.
So I tried. I have kept myself to possible federation ships. I just wish my scratch building was
better. I would love to make up a model of some of these designs.
It has always seemed odd to me that a lot of the seemingly necessary auxiliary ships are not shown. What of the fleets of transport, medical, repair and replenishment ships to name a few. Yes I know some have been shown but never in the numbers that I think should be prevalent. Also missing I think is a federation equivalent of the B-Rel BOP. There is the Oberth, Nova , Voyager? and Sabre classes but the Oberth is old tech and bloodily ugly with some quite interesting questions raised as to how one gets from the saucer to the engineering hull. Lets just say the turbo lift might have to tilt a bit if it were to fit at all. The Nova is a short planetary research vessel and is slow. Voyager is far to big to be a scout but it is suited to long range exploration in my opinion though. The Sabre class is as close as star fleet has to a scout but is to big in my opinion. And the "scout ship" shown in that last crap movie with the enterprise E that Data was piloting is more like a big shuttle than a ship. I'm talking scout ship. Something that could perform extended scout missions . What I think would be good is a small fast quite well armed vessel with a big scanner Something no bigger than the Defiant class and preferably smaller without losing the speed of a larger vessel i.e. 110m or less.80-100 metres long sound good. I have the basic outlines shown below and some basic poorly done 3D shots.
I used pen and paper then two PC programs to do these designs. IMSI Visual CADD 3.0 for the plain orthographic and Nendo demo (I'd buy it if I had the money and it wasn't' so buggy and.....) for the 3D and colour orthographic. Note the programs don't talk to each other so ship images differ between the two programs. And before you complain as to the quality I never said I was all that good and Nendo is pretty limited not to mention the PC's I have access to. I would use Amapi or Turbo CADD 5.0 if I could but those programs are far to hard for me to use.
And after I've said all that my current trend is to work solely in Nendo as this is intuitive 3D manipulation and it can generate okay orthographic output. Not to mention that its fun designing in pure 3d. It should then be noted that all designs are some what affected by the limitations and functions of the program. Note all Nendo output is as a screen capture so quality does suffer a little..
Ship number one 3D only
Ship number two
A fast scout ship many views not all of the exact same ship but showing a design process
Basic design shape from the Sabre class.
Large mission specific pod.
Allows easy upgrade of abilities
Weapons/scan/cargo pods available? My favourite would be a multi tube(8+) torpedo launcher pod to give the little ship a big sting but then the roles more fighter than scout.
Combined primary/secondary hull
Small 4? decks plus bridge in saucer plus 2? below/above to giving about 8 decks total.
Smallish crew count >30
Other vessels.
Disclaimer- Paramount or someone or something owns Star Trek and everything related...I''m just a fan I claim ownership of nothing here etc etc