Band Organs, Fairground Organs, Carousel Organs, Barrel Organs,
Street Organs, Orchestrions and Calliopes, are the original synthesizers
of days gone by. The barrel organ dates to the 1700s. They were made
or used in all industrialized areas of Europe and the United States
for centuries. The Gij Perlee Dutch Street Organ in Holland and the
Wurlitzer Band Organ in America are still heard in recordings.
This section is dedicated to those who remember the sweet,
powerful sounds of them, whether in the streets of Amsterdam or
a carousel in New Jersey. There was no sound quite like their sound,
that is until I started emulating their sound using the synthesizer
built into the modern computer..Sit back all ye visitors and listen
to the chiff of the flutes, the sweetness of the diapasons , the
rumble of the bourdons and the clatter of the drums. Anny de Leeuw, in Holland, has done
some interesting midi files, and a trip to her site is well worth