Duo’s Children Bedtime Story: [Well, I’m trying!!] Okay, this was done by Duo, a grrreat pal of mine. *Laughs* He’s one big helleva laugh man. Wish you all could meet him. ^^U Note: The words in the brackets [] are his thoughts, okay? ============================================ Long before your time, there was a man who lived in a rocket ship. His name was, err...?? Err...Fei Long and he had three sons. His sour-faced son Heero, his idiotic, cheerful-faced son...err, let’s skip that name, ne? And his handsome, strong and REEEEEEAL intelligent son Trowa. [Oh man, this is really too much!!] The family ran out of food one day, so Fei Long sent his first son Heero to buy some onigiri. [fish flavor] Until he came upon the big bad Gundam, [Serpent custom] who striked his weakest spot and made off in a flash with the cash. So, Fei Long sent his second son to trade the family piranha for some onigiri. When along the way he met the Chinese fairy step-brother. [Wufei] To cut the long story short, Wufei, the Chinese fairy step-brother, got the fish...err...piranha. Oh well, [beggars can’t be choosers] Trowa was their only hope, but as they had no more money, they had to steal some from the evil giant’s onigiri garden. Borrowing Yang’s beanstalk, [The lift was crowded!!] Trowa climbed up onto the road out of the 14th story flat. But as he turned to leave, who should come around but the big evil giant. [Treize] The giant locked poor Trowa in a bird cage, and started thinking of ways to produce a new product, Trowa onigiri. But first, how do you get the ‘SEEDs’??? [Sweatdrop] [Don’t look at me!!] Then Trowa made a wish, and it was answered by the ever beautiful Princess Quatre, a fairy. He, or she...[???] let him out of the cage. The giant gave chase and trapped Trowa into a shoe closet. Trowa had also given up hope, when Yun, the shoe fairy came flying by. Yun granted him the best wish of all, a pair of high-heeled shoes. [Female shoes] Wearing them, Trowa came out of the closet and stepped them hard onto the giant’s feet, [Ouch, that’s gotta hurt] causing confusions before making his escape. Trowa’s family had a lovely onigiri dinner that night and they lived happily ever after, well at least for one day right? The end. BOOM! Now go to sleep! ZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzZzZzZzZzZzzzzzZZZZZ What do you expect? This is a last-minute story. And a Stupid one at that with a capital S. PS: If you are wondering why a loud boom was heard, the rocket-ship had a slight error and our friends are now on the moon with Chang-er. That’s where they would be celebrating the mooncake festival! [Sweatdrop] ~Owari~ PPS: Onigiri = Japanese rice ball/cake.