Duo’s Children Bedtime Story: [Well, I’m trying!!]

Okay, this was done by Duo, a grrreat pal of mine.
*Laughs* He’s one big helleva laugh man.
Wish you all could meet him. ^^U
Note: The words in the brackets [] are his thoughts, okay?

Long before your time, there was a man who lived in a rocket ship.
His name was, err...??
Err...Fei Long and he had three sons.
His sour-faced son Heero, his idiotic, cheerful-faced son...err, let’s skip that name, ne?
And his handsome, strong and REEEEEEAL intelligent son Trowa.
[Oh man, this is really too much!!]

The family ran out of food one day,
so Fei Long sent his first son Heero to buy some onigiri. [fish flavor]
Until he came upon the big bad Gundam, [Serpent custom]
who striked his weakest spot and made off in a flash with the cash.

So, Fei Long sent his second son to trade the family piranha for some onigiri.

When along the way he met the Chinese fairy step-brother. [Wufei]
To cut the long story short, Wufei, the Chinese fairy step-brother,
got the fish...err...piranha.

Oh well, [beggars can’t be choosers] Trowa was their only hope,
but as they had no more money, they had to steal some from the evil giant’s onigiri garden.

Borrowing Yang’s beanstalk, [The lift was crowded!!]
Trowa climbed up onto the road out of the 14th story flat.

But as he turned to leave, who should come around but the big evil giant. [Treize]

The giant locked poor Trowa in a bird cage,
and started thinking of ways to produce a new product, Trowa onigiri.

But first, how do you get the ‘SEEDs’??? [Sweatdrop] [Don’t look at me!!]

Then Trowa made a wish, and it was answered by the ever beautiful Princess Quatre, a fairy.
He, or she...[???] let him out of the cage.

The giant gave chase and trapped Trowa into a shoe closet.
Trowa had also given up hope, when Yun, the shoe fairy came flying by.

Yun granted him the best wish of all, a pair of high-heeled shoes. [Female shoes]
Wearing them, Trowa came out of the closet and stepped them hard onto the giant’s feet,
[Ouch, that’s gotta hurt] causing confusions before making his escape.

Trowa’s family had a lovely onigiri dinner that night and they lived happily ever after,
well at least for one day right?

The end. BOOM!
Now go to sleep!

What do you expect?
This is a last-minute story.
And a Stupid one at that with a capital S.
PS: If you are wondering why a loud boom was heard,
the rocket-ship had a slight error and our friends are now on the moon with Chang-er.
That’s where they would be celebrating the mooncake festival! [Sweatdrop]

PPS: Onigiri = Japanese rice ball/cake.