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                              DISC 2
Disc 2 begins with Laguna. Laguna lives in a village Winhill and his job is  killing monsters around the village. He and a little girl named Elone are good  friends. Laguna meets a lady named Lane and she tells him that Julia waited for  Laguna, but as Laguna didn't return to her for a long time, she got married to  Colonel Karway. Kiros visits Laguna and they have a battle in the village. The  scene changes and Squall finds himself in a jail. Seifer comes and tells him  that he is a knight of the witch and tortures Squall. You also know that Edea  has a plan to fire missiles at Gardens. Quistis, Zell and Selphie are also  captive in a desert jail. They don't have their weapons and are captured at 8th  floor. Use Zell, who needs no weapon, to fight and get back their weapons. Check  your junction. They manage to go out of the cell by deceiving guards. A battle  against Biggs and Wedge at 7th floor. Somehow Rinoa and Irvine join them. Moomba  is kicked around by guards. Help him, and choose the upper choice. Then go to  help Squall. He is captured at 13th floor. You can enter some of the cells. If  you play a cardgame with a man at 10th floor and win, he will improve your  battle kei. (as I didn't do this, I don't know what becomes of battle kei.) The  exit is the top of the jail. You make two groups to get out of the jail. One  group goes up and the other goes down. You use the vehicle that goes up and down  the jail. You get out of the jail and the characters have a talk. Make two  groups. One group is going to go to the Galbadia missile base to prevent the  base from shooting missiles. The other is going to the Balamb Garden for  warning. Selphie and other two go to the missile base. They disguise themselves  to be Galbadian soldiers and enter the base. Talk to everybody you meet. You can  have a battle, or continue to disguise. Either way is OK. As they talk to  soldiers, they can go to more places. When you come to the missile control  panel, set the error ratio to maximum by pushing the direction button to right  and then the circle button. At one room Selphie sets destructive system in  motion. You can choose 10/20/30/40 minutes to go out. If you choose 10 minutes,  your SeeD level will be higher, but be careful. You will have to fight against  the boss. There are three draw points in the base. You can draw magic araise at  one of them. When your HP is 0, this magic can cure you and give you back full  HP again. Squall and other two come back to the Balamb Garden. There you'll find  they have a quarrel between Master party and Cid party. Squall also gets  involved. You should be in Cid party. Anyway you should look for Cid. Move  around the Garden, and meet Shu. Cid says there's something to protect the  Garden from missiles at the basement floor called MD. After Squall activates the  protect system, they have a battle against the master of the Garden, the boss  Nogue. There are three shelters and Nogue is in the center shelter. The  shelters' color change, blue, yellow and red. If you attack the shelters, its  color will change blue, and when it's blue, it doesn't use magics. When its  color turns red, it uses strong magic. So attack the shelters and keep them  blue. Use GF Carbunkle to make the magic bounce back. Attack the center shelter  and beat Nogue. Don't forget to draw Leviathan before you kill him. After Squall  beats Nogue, the Balamb garden itself flies up and avoid the missiles. Then Cid  tells Squall about the surprising relationship between Cid and Edea. *Spoiler*  It is, well, Edea is his wife! Cid began the Garden with her knowing she's a  witch. Anyway the floating Garden begins to hover. At that time White SeeD  appears at the Garden. They call themselves SeeD, too, and they want a girl  called Elone. Squall has to find her in the Garden. To tell the truth, she is at  the library. White SeeD takes her away, and says that she has an ability to take  other people into the past. After they went away, the floating Garden gets to  Fisherman's Horizon(F.H.) It is a city located at the mid point of the Horizon  Bridge, which is a railroad that connects two continents. People living in this  city are people who have escaped from the continents, and they don't want to  fight. Their leader, the station master, doesn't want fighting, neither, and  dislikes SeeD. There are 5 draw points in F.H., they are Regene(by the  railroad), Shell(next to Junc shop), Altema(stationmaster's house 2F),  Haste(within FH station), Araise(at the angler). Talk to the angler and his  aprentice. After talking with the stationmaster, Galbadian soldiers invades FH.  Squall fights to help the stationmaster. After the battle, they go back to the  Garden. Selphie is going to hold a concert. You have to choose 4 instruments out  of 8. They are from the top, guitar, sax, electric guitar, piano, fiddle, flute,  electric base and tap dance. Selphie has two kinds of music and they were mixed  up. Choose four music that represent one tune. Rinoa invites Squall to the  concert. Fixing of the Balamb Garden has been done, and the Garden can move  again. Squall is named to be the leader of the Balamb Garden. Now you can move  the Garden freely. To go forward, push the square button. To get off, push the  circle. Though you can go anywhere, first let's leave for the city of Balamb.  When you get there, you find it was invaded by Galbadian force and is in  disorder. First you must meet shikikan, or the commander. There seems to be some  ways to meet him, but let me show you one. Go to Zell's house and meet his  mother. Then go to the harbor and ask a soldier there, and he will tell you that  the commander was fishing. Go to Zell's house again and his mother will tell you  that the commander was cooking fish he caught, and that they smelled bad. Go to  the harbor and talk to the dog, and it will lead you to the Balamb station. You  can buy information by a car at the harbor, but if you do so, as it is not a  fair way for a SeeD to do, your level as SeeD will be brought down. Go to the  hotel, and you'll find Raijin there. A battle against Raijin and two soldiers.  Then you enter the hotel and have a battle against Raijin and Fuujin. DON'T  FORGET TO DRAW PANDEMONIUM FROM FUUJIN!! First beat Raijin. Unless you draw  Pandemonium, Fuujin will use only magics. After drawing, she will attack and  make your HP 1. Of course you shouldn't use thunder magic to Raijin. Selphie  suggests that they should go to Trabia Garden. When they get there, they find it  was desolated in ruins because of the missile attacks. Selphie and other two  enter the Garden. There's no battle. Just move around and talk to everyone. An  old diary says "five steps to the south from the gargoyle statue of Trabia  Garden." What's that? Well, try by yourself. After talking to everybody, all the  member gather at a basketball court. They begin to talk about their childhood,  and then it is revealed that they were all orphans and were brought up at an  orphanage named Ishi no ie, or a Stone House. Strangely they have been  forgetting their childhood, and by telling each other, they gradually remember  what happened. Quistis says that if a person uses GF, a GF will occupy a part of  one's brain, so some memories will be lost. Anyway enjoy some nice memories of  Irvine or Squall. Squall, Irvine, Selphie, Quistis and Zell were all brought up  an orphanage Stone House. (Zell's parents are adoptive ones) Also Squall  remembers there was Elone, too. (BTW, please pronounce her name as El-ou-ne. I  don't know how to spell her name) They called their housemother mama-sensei, or  mother-teacher, but they now remember her real name was Edea Cramer. (Do you get  what this means?) The orphanage was made to bring up children to make them SeeD.  After talking together, they decide to go to the orphanage. I think it is shown  as Edea's house on the world map. It is located in an island in the lower  (south) part of the world map. You may see a lighthouse at the end of a  peninsular. But just before they get there, Galbadia Garden was waiting for  them. It was changed as if it were Edea's fortress. As the member of the party  changes so often, don't forget to change GF junction. After Balamb clashed  Galbadia Garden, go to the classroom 2F. A mini-game of aerial dogfight. You  have about 1 min. 20 sec. The buttons are: circle:punch, X:kick, square:guard,  triangle:special attack. In Galbadia Garden, many doors are locked. You have to  get three card keys to open them. card key 1 is found at the dormitory 2F. card  key 2 is found at a classroom 1F. card key 3 is found at another classroom 1F.  At the center of a hall, there is Cerberus. Fight against it, and you will get  GF Cerberus when you win. Be careful. If you don't beat it here, you can't get  GF Cerberus forever. Cerberus uses magics siles, despell, thundaga, and it uses  a magic triple, which enables it to use magics three times at one turn. Don't  use reflect to Squall. Thunder magics are useless. After you get Cerberus, go up  to the master's room at 3F. Edea and Seifer are waiting for you. First you have  a battle against Seifer. Don't forget to set GF Cerberus. It's a very useful GF  (triple). Go to the daikoudou, or assembly hall. Edea comes down from the  ceiling. Seifer appears, too. You have a battle against Seifer and Edea. Seifer  is weaker than before, but Edea is strong. As she uses siles and makes you  unable to use any magics, don't forget to have a command of item for at least  one member. DON'T FORGET TO DRAW ALEXANDER FROM EDEA! After you beat her, disc 2  ends.


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