Alrighty, here's the dealio-yo.

Since I am back at school, with
very limited space and time, the GAYTWAY main office will remain at my house, under the (hopefully) careful supervision of Abby.  This has many benefits.
1. cuts down on expenses.  abby (and whoever wants to help) can print and assemble issues at home and distribute them at school.  This way, only those going out of state (and to me at school) will need to be mailed.
2. All staff will have access to the main office.  everything from office supplies to subscription addresses will be kept on file there, as well as on this site.

Things that I work on for the magazine, such as the cover and the letter from the editor, will be done here (at Mizzou) and put into the magazine email.  Then abby can download it and print it out!  Ain't that nifty?!  As for the rest (essays, regular features) I trust the creative talents of my staff to make it booteeful.

The email address is,
and the password is raisinghell.
All staff members have access to the email address, just don't delete or move anything.  I will manage the folders and such.  Subscriptions, contributed writings, and things of that sort will be kept there.  You're free to peruse anything that is there.

It is VERY important that all the staff check the email!!  I will send any news or updates to that account from my own, so if there is email from Emilie Kern, you better read it!  If anyone does not have regular access to email, I trust that you all will be kind enough to print a copy of any news for them.

Next, and most regrettedly, is the biggest change.  Since our magazine is getting a bit more circulation than I ever planned, I think the time has come to get away from just copying and pasting essays off the web.  When possible, I will acquire permission from the author if we find something really good, but we really need to start doing things on our own so that our magazine isn't breaking copywrite laws. 

This can be put into the form of many things.  Maybe one of you likes to write short stories, so you could write about a person or couple who fall into any LGBT category.  The ongoing story would be published as a regular column.  This is also going to require research, writing skills, and strong opinions.  I'm pretty sure you all know what I mean, so I don't need to go on about this forever.

I think we can still use song lyrics and pictures and such, but nothing like the Rufus Wainwright essay, which if reprinted legally would have cost over $300.

I know this will slow down publication, but I know it is for the best, and it will give us the opportunity to be even more proud of GAYTWAY.
GAYTWAY main site