Five Card Draw is a very popular game. It involves choosing certain cards to keep, and which ones to drop in order to 'Draw' new cards. The standard game allows only one Draw, but different people play with different rules allowing more drops, and restricting the amount of cards a player can drop each round. First I will explain the game in its original form. Five Card Stud
1. Antes are posted. Variations
Some players like to assign their own rules for drawing cards. The real game could be called "One drop of Five", or "1 of 5".
This means that their is one round of drawing, and a player may draw up to five cards.
Similarly people often play "Two drops of Three" or "2 of 3", which means there are two rounds of drawing, but a player can only drop
up to three cards each round.
In multi-draw games, there is a round of betting before each draw. Oh, and be sure not to allow so many draws that you don't have enough cards
for everybody.