Dutch Kotei Tournament

my very first tournament, the Dutch Kotei, took place last saturday.
I played my Scorpion/Ninja deck and was very curious how it would fare.
Round 1: Scorpinja vs Take Tricks.
I used Hantei sensei, but I didn't knew whta to pick, since I was completely unfamiliar with this crab decktype. He chose Breach and seeing a den of spies, I chose Breach too. Anyway, he gets honor fast, untill I get a Shapeshifter out and began copying asako nagoten's(the 5 honor gain spirit)ability. He hold me of with kiho's I didn't even knew they excisted, but eventually, thanks to a kisada's funeral, I took all his provinces. 1-0
funny fact. Jujun cancelled 2 times his bridged pass!

Round 2: Scorpinja vs Corrupt Unicorn
This was a hard one. First I chose his strength of purity with hantei and he chose breach(i didn't have a single breach in my deck). An early Ninja Mystic finishes off all his shugenja, but he took a province early. With two Ninja strongholds my deck began to fly. An Aramoro exp2, 2 Yudoka's and 2 Yokuan's was more than he could handle. He got squashed. 2-0

Round 3: Scorpinja vs Taka Tricks
remebering the extreme honor gain in my last experience with Tricks, I used Yoshi instead of Hantei. That Turned out to be a good choice. He holds me off a couple of turns with the same annoying kihos and Rise from the Ashes, but I took 3 provinces. He still gained honor very fast, so I got by forty. His last province however, had a mystic ground attached, but I misread it. I thought that he had to bow a shugenja to activate it, so I bowed his only shugenja with an Asami. But ths didn't help, so I lost. 2-1

Round 3: Scorpinja vs Lion
This was the thoughest match I played. We both get a decent start, but he got two Ken O's early. We both take each others provinces, since we didn't drew rallying cries. At the end we had both 1 province left, he attacked, but I bowed just enough personalities to prevent him from taking my last province.
I took his remaining one, which was an Evil feeds...I won 3-1
Round 4: Scorpinja vs Ninja
This was the easiest match. he played Ninja dishonor, but with my high chi personalities, I took his provinces very fast. 4-1

Well, I qualified for the finals, with only one person above me, with a score of 5-0. This being my first tournament, I was very pleased.

finals: Scorpinja vs Crane Honor.
I get a lightening start with 2 Ninja Strongholds. Yoshi Sensei prevents him from gaining enough honor. Yokuan with a Tetsubo took care of his few personalities, but I got kharmic striked by a Reju (of course). He didn't had enough personalities to stop me, so I took all his provinces in a couple of turns.

Semi-Finals: Scorpinja vs Corrupt Unicorn
this was the same guy, from which I won earlier, so I had a good feeling about this match. Wrong!! After a couple of rookie mistakes he took 2 provinces and from that it goes only worse. He Ninja Thiefs(!) my ancestral sword, leaving me without hitting power. I lost.
funny fact: I way of shadowed(best card this tourney) kolat master 2 times.

3-4 place: Scorpinja vs Master of Five
Another deck type I was unfamiliar with. I Hanteid Finding the Harmony, seeing a Kaede sensei, he chose Wind's truth(not in deck).I was doing well, having a massive army and him down to 2 provines, untill master of five hits the table. He played all the elemental actions and I lost, much to my suprise, since I thought I had him.
Again, rookie failure, because I could have attacked him much earlier.

Anyway, I took forth place. I got a Scorpion T-shirt, since I was the highest ranking scorpion, 8 boosters of Forbidden Knowledge and a very cool Kotei banner. I was very please with my performance here and I was the suprise of the tournament. Hantei was great. They all chose cards I didn't had in my deck. They didn't knew of a Scorpion/Ninja deck and were suprised it did so well.Well, that's it, I would like to thanks Bayushi Ojioro(Robert) for all the help with this Scorpinja deck!!!!

Bayushi Valheru