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In the early spring of 876, a new magical advisor, Archie, arrived at the court of Lord Mitrik Van Kemp. Bringing with him a knowledge of the world as well as some ideas as how to improve the finances of the Lord, it seemed as though Vam Kemp's court would be complete at last. Unfortunately, Archie took a liking to the Lord's very rogueish son, Ganbor, and the two of began to have what may loosely be called "adventures".

Archie and Ganbor went together on the hunt several times, along with Ganbor's young nephew, Lyon. These hunts were usually successful. Eventually the Lord sent them both (Lyon excluded) to the great capitol city of the Baronry to pick up some horses and bring them back, as he was going to increase his men-at-arms by adding some cavalry. They slew some Orc bandits on the way, and Ganbor found himself with a mighty fine bow.

At the city, they spent the night at the Baroness's castle, where "Nothing Happened"(tm). Returning home with the horses, they barely were there a week before the Lord sent them back to the city to pick up some chainmail armor. While awaiting the armors construction, they got involved in recovering some missing spice for the Chicane Guild's representative, Vintra. Joining them in this adventure was Mark, Sifen, Oskal, and Rhivuan, a trio of warriors sporting unique styles from the Jin Monestary.

The intreped band of adventurers completed the mission successfully by slaying many goblins and hobgoblins, as well as meeting some strange creatures. They found several strange books to decipher, which they left in the care of the temple of Pelor. There were also some unanswered questions, such as why there were powerful extraplaner creatures, demonic architecture, and books written in Abyssal located at the lair of some goblinoid bandits. Could their lair have served some other, more sinister purpose in the past?

After resting and recovering in Sumberton, and spending much treasure on magic items and upgraded arms and armor, our heroes were invited to speak with representatives of the Luminous Order. These representatives suggested that the place the players adventured was a piece of a shattered demonic fortress called "Slaughtergarde". They thought the Surrinak family might be hiding something, and asked the heroes to investigate.

Leaving Sumberton, the heroes went in search of another piece of Slaughtergarde. It took them some time to find their destination, and they terrorized a peasant village on the way, as well as slew an ogre and some gnolls. They did eventually find the Surrinak Hunting Lodge, and underneath they discovered another piece of Slaughtergarde. Two expeditions to this lair was insufficient to clear out the drow inhabiting it.

On the first trip, Mark Dennehy was whacked by a strange Fire Elemental called a "Magma Hurler". A large number of dark elves were found and killed during this trip. On returning to Sumberton, Mark declined to be ressurected, Archie agreed to spy on the Luminous Order for the Ebon Cabal. An odd elf cleric joined the party during their second expedition, where they slew the dark elf high priestess. The heroes staggered out of the dungeon, completely depleted of spells and scrolls, and limped back to Sumberton.

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