Session Start: Sat Sep 01 23:06:45 2001
*** Now talking in #yu
*** Gobbolino has joined #yu
[Gobbolino] (( Im here yo ))
[Lans] ((lol, now for Paolo))
[Gobbolino] (( he'll figure it out soon, I deem ))
[Lans] ((ok... well he's arriving now))
[Gobbolino] (( guud, guud))
*** San_Shi has joined #yu
[Gobbolino] (( yu....... yu))
[San_Shi] yuyu hakusho
[San_Shi] brb lads drinks call me
[Lans] verily then so...
[Gobbolino] Forsooth, tis
[Gobbolino] *Distant bagpipes....*
[Lans] *and followed by a sitar...*
[Lans] (i hope thats the spelling... =p)
[Gobbolino] ((YUYUYUYU SITAR LOL ))
[Gobbolino] (( man that was just what I needed ))
[Lans] ((lol!))
[San_Shi] (sitar...?)
[Gobbolino] (( That mandolinish instrument, you know! ))
[Lans] ((isn't it indian...))
[Gobbolino] (( But egyptian or something! ROFLMAO *pling pling pyong* ))
[Gobbolino] (( Yes thats it ))
[Lans] ((and indian string-ed instrument))
[Lans] (if i call for ganesh, a sitar will be playing it the background)
[Gobbolino] (( ROFLMAO "You are not Ganesh. Ganesh is graceful" ))
[San_Shi] (Ganesh...Ganesh....OH YEAH!! ROFLMAO)
[Lans] ((hmm... so is this gonna be a continuation from last night?))
[Gobbolino] (( My char is the same, but should we run the same storyline? Paolo is back ..... what do you think? ))
[Lans] ((for the sake of ease of plot, starting over would be simpler. we didn'y get to far in the other SL anyways))
[Gobbolino] (( Sounds good to me ))
[Gobbolino] *A tall bulky frame draped in dark cloth of shimmering quality and embroidered handsomely... Head in a helm which conceals all form, elongated and terse, and the eyes are red points of light... the donned robe flutters to the ground hiding the feet yet when he walks the movement is hidden...his staff is an orb of embers and a twin fibrils of icy matter coil up a red oak stave, undecorated... his epaulettes are flared, meancing, and protruding
[San_Shi] (who's GMing?)(
[Lans] (not me)
[Gobbolino] ( I will )
[San_Shi] (Said the hamster in the beret)
[Gobbolino] ( if noone will )
[San_Shi] (hmm..allen facciamo co-op)
[Gobbolino] ( ROFLMAO good image )
[San_Shi] (itll keep you..AND me...AND Neil on your toes)
[San_Shi] (its goign to be my response to the cat in the hat)
[Gobbolino] ( With a twist of lemon )
[Lans] 10*Not a figure, but a shadow gives first impression of this person. With his back to the sun, his outline appears dancing about the pathway. A rather somber man dress in black, thick robes soon follows and with hood donned, his face too remains in the shade. With a slow a steady pace, one foot in front of the other, he walks the pathway just a distance from the man.*
[San_Shi] (Im goignt o call it "The fox and the hamster" but there will be no fox..just things LIKE a fox)
[Lans] ((lol!!!)
[San_Shi] (allen you know how to co-op GM righjt?)
[Gobbolino] ( Of course not )
[Gobbolino] ( Yu may do as much as the fox in the fountain)
[San_Shi] (its really cool..just IMed you instructions)
[Gobbolino] ( got it )
[San_Shi] (I
[Gobbolino] ( alternating scenes right? )
[San_Shi] (i'll start...Im introducing _A_ character but not MY character..any created characteers are mutually controllable based upon thee turen system)
[San_Shi] (Same scenes alternating commanderds for the scene..ill send you ane xamplee)
[San_Shi] (the samer way when we co-op write..we're doign the same thing..only we take turns steerign the direction of the events)
[Gobbolino] ( this will take practice... so I do not use Drell? ))
[San_Shi] (yees whoever you wish..and I have no command over him..only the events surrounding him..for eexample I might sayL: "the cherry blossoms stir violently..from them a dark figure lands upon the path" then you go "It is a ninja...quiet and forlorn..hamsterskin tightly stretched across his body in camoflouge)
[San_Shi] (capisci? When Im using my ACTUAL characteer I will tell you..but I will start with an NPC you also havbe the priviledge of commanding..capisci?)
[San_Shi] (neil...Jill and Justin cook saidf lots and lot sof peopel that dont know me voted for my ego)
[Lans] ((lol!!! does your ego well, no?))
[San_Shi] (indeed..the more the votes the more I deserve it)
[San_Shi] (gobbo do you understand? where r u?)
*** NOTachecca has joined #yu
[NOTachecca] ok got booted
[San_Shi] (DONT tell me you missed the explanation)
*** Gobbolino has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[NOTachecca] I got it, I got it lad
[San_Shi] thank God..all thee stuff the hamsterskin ninja?)
[NOTachecca] Whoa! That was me! I traveled in the past! Yeah I got the hamsterskin ninja part... cherry blosoms
[NOTachecca] blossoms
[NOTachecca] (ok go)
[San_Shi] (giv eme time)
[NOTachecca] ( Neil could spin a round three times? It will help clear my headache )
[NOTachecca] ( could you, as it were)
[Lans] ((lol, spin around with the cherry blossoms fluttering about?))
[San_Shi] As Drell passes the other, the great mage senses a strange distortion in the framework of existence. Something amiss in the encounter of the if destined to occur, yet not in these particular settings. The name of the lad should appear immediately in Drells mind..yet the presence of something more ominous should draw his attention more thoroughly,. (C)
[San_Shi] (did I get cut off?)
[NOTachecca] (( Include something about Jubei and the plum trees LOL ))
[San_Shi] (C)=Continue
[NOTachecca] (( no dont worry ))
[San_Shi] All abotu theres a smell of death..the trees int hat particular wooded area are strangely sullen and spent. The reek grows stronger as a cloaked figure drifts outward from the brush. The presense is almost eerily intangible in its demeanor. completely hooded and dark except for two glinting yellow slits for eyes and a red fire dancing across its black fingertips.
[San_Shi] (Yours)
[San_Shi] (unless I got cut off)
[Lans] ((a nice day for cloaked figures, eh?))
[San_Shi] (eheh)
[NOTachecca] A sleepy red flower sails with the lazy wind and lands on Lans' shoulder...the soft ermine shoulder pads form a soft cup to embrace it.... Drell notices the looseness of the leather straps which tightens the boots of Lans
[San_Shi] (where the hell do u get the words? Cantebury tales?)
[NOTachecca] ( Literal translation of DOn Quixote )
[San_Shi] (go neil :P)
[NOTachecca] ( so now it Neils turn, ne?)
[Lans] 10*the folds of the robe shift and distort as an arm extends and carefully sweeps up the flower in a cupped hand. extended in the breeze, his arm held out awaits a passing by wind to carrying along the red-blossom to its true distination. all, in the mean time admiring this welcome change in evironment.*
[San_Shi] If he was once fair as he is now foul. and 'gainst his maker dared brows to raise, fitly from him all streams of sorrow roll.
[San_Shi] (I have Dante and his translator on my side!)
[San_Shi] (j/k..posting)
[Lans] ((lol, you lost me there))
[San_Shi] "Drell of the north.." his voice is not a physical manifestation of waves interpreted in their ears..but rather an echo in their minds, created by the rearrangement of the words int heir own thoughts. "Lans Hunter..." The red flames at his finger tips grow wilder and vividly hungry..shaping five seperate blades, demonstrating their heat by the white pyramids at their base. "Tread here no more.."
[San_Shi] (did I get cut off? Always tell mee if I did)
[NOTachecca] ( stop being paranoid! we'll notice))
[Lans] ((do i respond or wait))
[San_Shi] (You may respond since you were addressed..Allenw ill play off our responses. )
[Lans] 10*petals dance jovially amidst the air current as a light wind breezes by and picks up the blossom. delicate slivery bangs dangle and flicker in the wind, and with the notice of the 2 seperate figure he remains in his spot, the wind still embracing him.*
[San_Shi] (....can we stop being so eevasive folks? neil this has nothbing to do with girls you may be direct..allen yuyu)
[NOTachecca] Drell's finger's radiate a light that makes his armature shimmer to the pauldrons..... the fabric of his mottled cloak bursts chameleonlike in dappled empty-hued light.... his eyes close their sight but open their will to attuned spiritual matrices..... his throaty voice resonates "The sound of the dark does not disturb the pond of light... WE pass unabashed" A sidelong glance to Lans
[Lans] ((i think you may have got cut-off))
[San_Shi] (GOD I hate it how colorful you are)
[NOTachecca] (( if it ends in Lans then its cool ))
[Lans] ((ahh, ok))
[Lans] ((n/m))
[San_Shi] (tocca a te usare l'altro)
[NOTachecca] (adesso? )
[Lans] ((i take it, Paolo shall respond first))
[NOTachecca] (( "akin to a vulpis! " ))
[San_Shi] (vabbuo glia faccio io facciamo turni piu lunghi and we'll give turns up whenever)
[San_Shi] (LMAO!)
[NOTachecca] ( I want to see how long Neil can fit the blossom into the storyline)
[Lans] ((uhh? so whose turn is it???))
[NOTachecca] ((Paolo then you then me ))
[San_Shi] Drell can detect a slither of hesitation on part of the lightless one. But as if considering the alternative too dreadful..he extends his hand with a furious jerk of his arm. As his palms releases a flurry of fiery scabs, whirling ciruclarly and across wind and earth toward the two, the whereabouts light with furious life, outshining even the sun, and casting a glow as to make it seem as though they are fighting in a void containing the wrait
[Lans] ((wrait?))
[NOTachecca] ((perhaps cut off? ))
[San_Shi] the wraith and the two travelers
[San_Shi] (so you see only white all around except for lans drell and the wraith)
[Lans] 10*the brightness of the glow isn't enough to engulf the silhouette that lay before Lans. leaping violently from the ground, the shadow in a clean horizontal motion, swats back at the flame. repsonding physically to the attack, a light and seemingly languid figure can be made from the cloak, that jolts backwards in a defensive stance*
[San_Shi] (just to guys are now fighting in a backgroundless white void where you see onyl eeach other and may keep your shadows)
[NOTachecca] No illusion contained in the void, the flame flickers and diminishes in gloomy splendour, yet engulfs them both..... the wraith's voluminous form is like to a fog in the marsh in the early morn, where the sun has not yet surfaced but bathes the world in a gentle light... the chromatic value reverses polarity to release the true vision on the wraith's form.... his somber voice releases an emotionless laughter
[NOTachecca] (( ends with "laughter" ?))
[Lans] ((yes...))
[NOTachecca] (( ok done then ))
[San_Shi] (okay not THAT was just plain foolish)
[NOTachecca] (similar to a rapid-moving, clever, reddish-brown carniverous mammal! )
[Lans] ((LOL!!!))
[San_Shi] (ROFL!!!)
[San_Shi] (you didnt include a reaction for Drell Allen)
[NOTachecca] (( or didnt I? Look closer..... as I add one))
[San_Shi] (LOL!)
[Lans] ((lol!))
[San_Shi] (it IS very good though..)
[NOTachecca] Drell...... the wraith
[San_Shi] (but it leaves room for too much inference)
[San_Shi] (you have to react to the hit! lans already derfended!)
[NOTachecca] (precisely! look in the context of "avoiding a strike" )
[San_Shi] (ROFL)
[NOTachecca] Drell's heavy torso rotates and places a supportive foot foward as tine to blaze an path for magic... his oaken staff glows a deep hue of vermillion as his defense rises
[Lans] ((*summons a fox which digs a hole to block the flame... the dirt from the hole just happens to rebury the wraith*))
[NOTachecca] ((ROFLMAOOOOO ))
[San_Shi] (The tip of a hamsters head pokes from the dirt, the little creature is waving one fist in furious, chattering complaint)
[Lans] ((LOL!!!))
[NOTachecca] (at his caped cousin who casually glances down and bares his fangs)
[San_Shi] (ANYHOW my turn)
[San_Shi] Again the wraith thrusts his hands forward..releasing clusters of fire at the two. Where the fire falls short...they can see small crimson bursts occur.
[San_Shi] (ill keep it straight and simple so that the actions will not get confused)
[NOTachecca] (ill follow suit)
[San_Shi] (have I been d./ced?)
[Lans] ((nope))
[NOTachecca] (( nope ))
[San_Shi] (phew)
[San_Shi] (we'll see about that!!!)
[NOTachecca] (( LOL ))
[NOTachecca] (( Neil's turn next? ))
[San_Shi] *'course..lest the checca respond)
[San_Shi] (afteer this new turn system///YOUr character..Neil...your NPC control..then again but with MY NPC control)
[Lans] 10*from the horizontal sweep, the shadow returns to its place just in front of the him. but as it returns, a dark, clawed hand trashes from the shadow at the wraith. in turn, the cloaked figure jumps and brings to light a serrated whip and lashes it at head of the wraith.*
[NOTachecca] In continuation of previous action, drell's ember orb at the head of his staff forms an expanding ball of white hot lightning.... at a size of 15 cm diameter, he flings the hollow ball of concentrated magic at the wraith's torso, the bottom sector
[San_Shi] Suddenly Lans' head hits a tree branch in midleap...halting the thrust of his whip. As for his shadows attack..the claw meets the blockade of a tree. Though they are now fighting in what seems to bee a void..the truth is that they have been rendered blind to their surroundings. Drells bolt breaks through several fiery clusters..but by thee timee it hits the wraith it is worn down eenough toi only briefly stun the creature..
[San_Shi] (drells turn)
[Lans] ((are there any more tree'ings i should avoid? lol))
[San_Shi] (LOL!!!! good one...thats inside Allen)(
[NOTachecca] In dismay of realization, he thrusts the staff into the earth and stoops his shoulders over, leaning on it like an old man, and casts outdrinker, which destoys organic matter rooted in the soil for a good distance around Drell, in hopes of removing the obstacles, or thinning them out
[San_Shi] he wouldnt know the results seeing as how the white remains..but by the sounds Drells expert ear can tell the effectiveness
[Lans] 10*hitting the ground below, a tangled mess of leaves, twigs and cloth rises. a left arm is raised as the lad attempts to draw power from the void and into his left fist. a black-ish aura wraps him as his shadow returns to protect him.*
[NOTachecca] (( Lol lad))
[NOTachecca] The wraith draws forth attracted by the shadow, seeing a chance to exploit the similar powers of shadow and darkness, he breathes hissing, leaning foward and reaching to touch the mere lad
[San_Shi] (Drells turn)
[NOTachecca] Drell is simply concentrated yet on his spell, and extracts his staff from the ground, prepared for hasty defense
[Lans] ((who's next??))
*** AthenaVictorian has joined #yu
[AthenaVictorian] ((I'm here and ready to play woo hoo))
[San_Shi] (moi)
[San_Shi] (watch a bit then jump in whenevr you're ready)
[AthenaVictorian] ((okie dokie))
[Lans] ((when you finish with your post, tell me the sucess of my attempt to draw in energy))
[San_Shi] His fingers come in contact with lans shadow..and Lans can suddenly feel the thoughts of the wraith. A chaotic jumble of pain..mostly fear..shaping th ematter beneath the robes. And Lans can feel himself slowly yieldign to those sentiments lest he do someethign about it
[San_Shi] the white in the whereabouts begins to recede..but slowly
[AthenaVictorian] ::a beautiful young woman walks into the inn. she is wearing a skin thight black velvet dress with long sleeves and a sloping neckline that hugs her every curve. It comes to just above her knee. Her hair is a mass of auburn curls which cascade down her back and her eyes are a pale lavendar::
[AthenaVictorian] ::she hovers at the doorway looking at the two men::
[NOTachecca] ((i..nn?))
[AthenaVictorian] ((ok where are we?))
[AthenaVictorian] ((I assumed an inn)
[NOTachecca] (( in the forest on a path, neh, guys? ))
[AthenaVictorian] ((ok then she was walking up the path and is now hovering by a tree))
[NOTachecca] (( gotcha ))
[San_Shi] (drell..your utrn..then Neil..thend rell again)
[San_Shi] (Athena this is a dual GM system..both me AND NOTachecca are Gming)
[AthenaVictorian] ((Gm?))
[AthenaVictorian] ((*spoink*))
[San_Shi] (game master)
[Lans] 10*with his right hand, he strikes the wraith and binds him close with the serrated whip. in his left, he uses the siphoned energy and channels it in to his fist, slamming it into his shadow at his feet. his shadow grows violently large, extending well infront of the figure. whips of dark energy dance about in this extened shadow and soon an upward detonation of energy follows.
[Lans] ((err... whisps not whips))
[NOTachecca] The massive frame of Drell shudders and points the orbs foward alone, unaided by the staff.... the cracks in the embers glow like molten rock in the deep... the orb moves foward and has a characteristic spin... slow
[AthenaVictorian] ::athena blows her breathe slightly towards lan who happens to be right in front of her tree and it hits his ear lightly::
[Lans] ((just say when its my turn in the '(())'))
[San_Shi] (K)
[NOTachecca] (( so is it my turn again? ))
[AthenaVictorian] ::she then hides behind the tree::
[San_Shi] (si)
[San_Shi] (ill dictate turns form now on)
[Lans] ((i'll respond to the wraith effect on me next posting))
[Lans] ((totally forgot about that))
[NOTachecca] The orb of harnessed power bursts forth in harmony with Lans' dark tendrils, and enforces his strength, so that wraith will be easily destroyed
[Lans] ((err... ^.^; i meant that to be little balls of darkness floating upward and then detonating...))
[AthenaVictorian] ((does it really matter?))
[Lans] ((lol, not really... but i never thought of the tendril idea))
[AthenaVictorian] ((heh))
[NOTachecca] (( oh my bad! just edit the meaning to enforce your magic ))
[Lans] ((hey, that tendril idea is cool though!))
[AthenaVictorian] ((get on with it already))
[Lans] ((i'm waiting for the next persons turn))
[NOTachecca] ((me too))
[AthenaVictorian] ((well geeze I don't have all night here people))
[AthenaVictorian] ((PAOLO!!!!!))
[San_Shi] (sorry folks)
[San_Shi] The wraith extinguishes.. the white recedes completely and all the woods are rendered clear again along witht he path., The area of dead forest is now springing with life..and the reek of death has also been extinguished...
[Lans] ((next?))
[San_Shi] (neil)
[San_Shi] (then Athena)
[San_Shi] (then Drell)
[AthenaVictorian] (huh? We have to take like serious turns? that sucks))
[Lans] ((you can go before me, if you must))
[San_Shi] (go whenever you wish...just dont expect to bee answered in direct turn)
[AthenaVictorian] ((No its fine actually you should go first))
[San_Shi] (but when theres something to respodn terms of fight sequence..your turn will be guided)
[NOTachecca] (Aiya guys i cant stay awake here..... must sleep, nite)
[San_Shi] ('notte)
[AthenaVictorian] (nite nite))
[Lans] ((see you later!))
[AthenaVictorian] ((bed bed gooooood))
[NOTachecca] (very! lol bye again have fun.. rp me out)
*** NOTachecca has left #yu
[AthenaVictorian] (ok now lets get to some serious rping))
[AthenaVictorian] ((*starts singing barry white* Lets get it on oooo lets get it on))
[AthenaVictorian] ((hehe))
[Lans] 10*with the clearing of the blank void, the shadow returns to its orignal size just in front of the cloaked figure. whiping the whip in a peculiar backwards motion, the separation between the serrations link together and it becomes a serrated sword. putting it away, his attention is diverted to the slight breeze that grazed his ear*
[AthenaVictorian] ::athena is now leaning against the side of the tree looking at lans and smirking::
[AthenaVictorian] Pretty good fight wasn't it?
[San_Shi] (obviously youg uys have it handled alone for al ittle bit)
[AthenaVictorian] ((LOL))
[AthenaVictorian] ((hello?))
[AthenaVictorian] (*feels all alone*))
[Lans] 1'a wierd encounter... but, none the less a fight that i've won...' 10*his tense posture relaxes*
[Lans] ((im still here))
[AthenaVictorian] ((ok))
[AthenaVictorian] Well at least you won thats all that matters right? ::she walks towards him, her hips swaying slightly yet seductively. she reaches him and puts her hand out:: I'm Athena and you are?
[Lans] *the red blossom from previously still flutters about in the breeze, taking it back in his right hand, it is held delicately bewteen his fingers* 1'i am Lans... and it seems that this belongs to you...' 10*he offers the red blossom to her* 1'it seems that this wasn't intend for me but, rather you...'
[AthenaVictorian] ::gracefully she takes the blossom and places it underneath her nose taking a deep breath and then putting it behind her ear to ornament her hair:: So it was meant for me Lans...Quite a handsome suits you. ::she smiles slyly::
[AthenaVictorian] (your turn)
[San_Shi] (brb im about to advance the play also)
[Lans] 10*removing his hood, he huffs a bit from the strain of the battle. his hair which is slightly damp with sweat is a luxurious set of silvery fine hair.* 1'thank you, it's a pleasure to meet you... and what, may i ask, bring you to these remote woods?'
[AthenaVictorian] (alright)
[AthenaVictorian] Oh just wandering around....and you?
[Lans] ((sure ok... my brain is switched to slow... =p))
[Lans] 'i'm traveling... not with any place pre-choosen, mind you... just following the lead of the wind...'
[AthenaVictorian] My kind of guy...thats the same way I get places wherever the wind leads me. ::her lavendar eyes sparkle and shine with life and her full pouty red lips are in a small smile::
[San_Shi] Their pleasant conversation is interrupted by the thunderous sound of a horse slamming down the path..suddenly halting as it approaches the two, The rider is sweating and has obviously been traveling for long. "Hail!" he calls to the two in a breath-ridden voice.
[AthenaVictorian] ::her head snaps towards the man on the horse and is at once at attention::
[Lans] *his brown eyes glance first at Athena and then turn to the man on the horse, peeking through his bangs*
[AthenaVictorian] ((geeze I need to get to bed bed soon we better hurry this up a tad))
[San_Shi] The mans cape swings left and right as he rears his horse to face the two..then his eye snarrow upon Lans as if inr ecognition. "You..." A wide grin spreads across a confideny, and brashly young face. "If it isnt Lans Hunter..From the Valguards of kling mercenary guilds! Its Me! Maestro D'Armi!"
[San_Shi] (Young version of maestro)
[AthenaVictorian] ::a look of shock overcomes her face and her eyes become wide and her mouth drops opened:: Maestro? ::she says in a breathless voice::
[AthenaVictorian] ((wait does she know him yet or whatever all thats the same right))
[Lans] 10*a smile greets back Maestro* 1'ahh... you must mean, was a mercenary...'
[San_Shi] (this is SUPPOSED to bee a much younger version of maestro will are that stuff didnt occur but OKAY)
[San_Shi] (lets say she knows him..not TOO kids are born and such)
[AthenaVictorian] ((oh ok nothing happened then they only met a few times thats cool))
[AthenaVictorian] ((so x last post))
[Lans] ((lol, how ironic... this is an older version of Lans compared to a younger Maestro))
[AthenaVictorian] ((and a younger athena))
[AthenaVictorian] ((hehe))
[San_Shi] Raises a brow.."What of it? As I recall your skills could've fended more than a mere pouch or two.." jingles his own brown satchels strung about the horse saddle. "We were at abotu the same I recal..though I improved I imagine you've donee the same" (C)
[AthenaVictorian] Well hello maestro nice to see you again too....::she says smartly at his not even saying hello to her:
[San_Shi] His attention shifts to Athena with a raised brow.. "Athena..Victoria..Yes from General Midgard's party...I remember you.." His hazel eyes blotted by emerald Shine in furious ego. His confidence is overbearign almost..but translates to efficiency in his movements. Athena can tell he is pleased she regarded his presence with eexcitement..but he regarded hers with small acknowledgment.
[AthenaVictorian] Yes exactly.....::she smiles at him::
[Lans] 10*looking back at the woods and then the other two* 1'i am starting to doubt that these woods are remote... and can i ask, what bring you here?'
[AthenaVictorian] ((toooo slow))
[San_Shi] Nods toward the path behind me.."Small issues to take care exchange from what the gold you see on me.." again a brash smile as he dismounts, :I will bee your travel companion.." the phrase is imperative..without even asking them permission. "I cant leave you alone with the I remember your sword temperment was much less than that of your sense of romance"
[AthenaVictorian] ::a slight blush caresses her cheek at maestro's words::
[Lans] 10*a little chuckle is raised from the comment* 1'ahh, still ever watchful, eh? Maestro? it's nice to have you aboard again'
[AthenaVictorian] ::she walks to the horse and pats it on the nose smiling::
[San_Shi] He grabs Lans around the shoulders drawing him close to whisper "How did you bag this one? She's rich as I hear it.."
[AthenaVictorian] ::she shoots them both a look:: You know I am standing right here and I can hear you....and yes I am
[AthenaVictorian] ::she smiles and goes back to petting the horse::
[Lans] 1'bag her? oh... you are mistaken, it was a flower that led me to her...' 10*he singles out the red blossom nestled in her ear*
[San_Shi] He raises a brow.."You're damn lucky Im with you brother." looks to Athena.."she's out of the league of flower blossoms..she's looking for more than that.." grumbles at Athenas hearing
[AthenaVictorian] And what might you mean by that Maestro? ::she gives him a quizzical look::
[San_Shi] he looks her straight in the eye..his playful smilee oozing with charisma as he speaks with a mellifluous accent..gently coaxing her senses to submission.. "I mean I know what I saw at the party..or rather you focusing on me:"
[AthenaVictorian] Oh really? I didn't mean for you to see that maestro.....but you couldn't "bag" me anyway. Personally your a little stuck up for my tastes.
[Lans] 1'the flower suits her well, wouldn't you say? but, i stray a bit from the task at hand... what of your job?'
[San_Shi] grins..taking the defeat gracefully.."I guess we'll see. " turns to Lans. "Midgard sent me out here for a few magical appearances..I speecialize in magic slaying."
[AthenaVictorian] ::she takes the flower out of her hair and smells it again. Its sweet perfume invading her nostrils. she smiles and puts it back in her ear and then walks closer to "the boys"::
[AthenaVictorian] ((Lol yep we will definetly see hehehe))
[San_Shi] (brb a sec dog puked!)
[Lans] ((eh? dogs puke?))
[AthenaVictorian] (((ewwie your poor doggie))
[AthenaVictorian] ((we've got to wrap this up pretty soon because I have to go to bed bed me very very tired))
[AthenaVictorian] ((Its already 2 am thats insane))
[Lans] 1'ahh... very interesting, you must tell me more sometime when we have a drink later. and it seems the pay is well too...' 10*turning his attention to Athena* 1'please come over... i think he's done talk about you behind your back...'
[AthenaVictorian] Oh like I couldn't hear every word you both were saying. ::she smirks and stands next to lans:: So where are we off to boys?
[AthenaVictorian] ((i think I'm off to beddy bye bye))
[AthenaVictorian] ((my eyes are getting all blurry))
[Lans] ((and i think Paolo will be busy with his dog to RP))
[San_Shi] raises a brow.. "We? AND Lans are headed to Corsica..rigth Lans?"
[San_Shi] loosk to hsi friend for acknowledgment
[AthenaVictorian] Oh well then I guess I'll be off and leave you two alone to do manly things in Corsica. ::she smiles and starts walking down the path away from them::
[San_Shi] Salutes her casually
[AthenaVictorian] ((well i'ma gonna go bye bye to bed bed paolo and neil......nite nite!))
[San_Shi] (night)
*** AthenaVictorian has left #yu
[Lans] ((fixed... i think))
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Sep 02 02:07:23 2001