The Quests.....
Remember, these quest items are to be gathered by yourself or a guild party only, they should not be bought.
- Aaeanas
- Aalyn
- Abruzzi
- Aditu Sa`onsereiwill show her possesion of The Cadecus of the SacrementQuest Given-Saturday January 29
Quest Completed-Wednesday Febuary 9th
- Aidon Frostguard will show his worth by showing his possesion of a fishboned earing.Quest Given-Saturday January 29
- Barton
- Capatio
- Cuunry
- Damax Gilcelem
- Diesadquem Laluciole is charged with going to Clan Crushbone, and slaying Ambassador Dvvin. To prove this feet, she will show he ownership of his Dragoon dagger.Quest Given-Monday Febuardy 7th
- Eladon
- Elanvine
- Gonthan
- Gladius has been given the task of showing his mettle as a warrior by defeating the beast Lockjaw and bringing me his hide.Quest Given-Saturday January 29th
- Hegemon
- Hexor
- Ikander Reinhardt
- Imajicaan Mae'Stro will bring me The Sands of RoQuest Given-Monday Febuardy 13th
- Ionflux
- Jerbear Huntmaster
- Lauvien Troubadour
- Loegan Wolfheart will gain ownership of The Reed belt or Kedge totemQuest Given-Monday Febuardy 7th
- Loman Foreversong
- Montigue D'Myrthful
- Mystearia Dreambrosia
- Nuada
- Oath Hipacaticus
- Pentagarn
- Rangr
- Reverance
- Stellaluna Stoney has been given the task of collecting 8 runnyeye war beads, 8 CrushBone belts, and 8 bone chips. All these item shall be brought before the guild leaders, then brought to Kaladim to be turned into the appropriate people for faction thereQuest Given-Saturday January 29th
- Talvi Ca'Dain
- Tarkan
- Teller
- Tourmalaine
- Trajan Augustus is to prepare a full 7 course meal, for the officers of the guildQuest Given-Monday Febuardy 7th
- Tumbarancho has been tasked with bringing the guild the Skull of Jhen'Tra and the Head of Ghanex DrahQuest Given-Saturday January 29th
- Warduke Wrathguard
- Zeel Zanar
- These are the quests - you are only required to complete one of the quests listed and which one you do is up to you.
- 1. - Obtain a Polished Bone Bracer (dropped by named Evil Eyes in Gorge of
King Xorbb)
- 2. - Obtain a Braided Ivy Chords (dropped by Thistle Underbrush in Lesser Faydark)
- 3. - Obtain a Chipped Bone Bracer or piece of Bone Armor(dropped by Orge Shaman and Chief in West Karana - WARNING!! This causes bad faction with Rallos Zek - you have been warned)
- 4. - Obtain 2 Greater Lightstones and 3 High Quality Bear Pelts. Those who complete this quest will be given 2 10 slot back packs for the HQ pelts.
Lastly, whichever quest you chose, you are required to get the items yourself - Do Not Purchase The Items!! You are on your honor to comply. (You can have others help you get the items)
There may be more options added at a later time so check back often. Good luck Druids!
- These are the quests - you are only required to complete one of the quests listed and which one you do is up to you.
- Sansa Nusk in the Bard's Guildhouse is trying to make lute strings for Fabian. Sansa will ask you to bring her troll gut so she can make string for Fabian. Give her the troll guts and 50 gp and you will get the strings. Then deliver these to Fabian.
- Obtain a Mask of the Deciver
- Obtain Mistmoore Battledrums