Ganon's Castle FAQ

1. Ganon's Castle Requirements

You must beat every temple in the game. Why? Until you beat every temple, you won't have the neccesary items. You won't have rescued the sages. If you haven't rescued the sages, you can't get the light arrows, and the sages can't make a bridge to Ganon's castle.

2. Advice concerning items to carry When you go to break the barriers it's a good idea to fill all but one bottle with healing fairies. Don't bother buying them. The best way to get them is this. Play the minuet of forest. Head down the ramps to the maze of the Sacred Forest Meadow. Climb the ladder to get atop the maze. Find the enclosed square in the maze that contains a secret grotto( a hole in the ground). There's a fairy fountain in that hole where you can catch some fairies in a bottle. Also, you should carry blue potion in every bottle when you go to Ganondorf. Blue potoin refills heart and magic meters all the way. Where is the blue potion? Look on a secrets FAQ for the trading sequence. Once you have delivered the mushroom to the old hag in Kakariko Village, (you can reach the hags house, as an adult only, by going in the potion shop across from the bazaar, going through the hall to the left, and going in the hag's potion shop through the door in closed by the fences. Blue potion is 100 rupees but is worth it. You can go in the secret grotto outside the hag's door and catch fish in bottles, then sell them to the boy, girl, whichever, that slaps his/her knees constantly for 100 rupees each. Now that we're through with that exhaustingly long section on how to obtain 2 items, let's move on.

3. Walkthrough for breaking the six castle barriers First, the forest barrier. Use Din's Flame to ignite four torches. Then use a fire arrow to light the fifth. In the next room you must get silver rupees. Slip into your hover boots and wait for the fan to your left to start blowing hard. Then run off the ledge to the left and let the fan blow you onto a ledge. Hover down to the ledge with the switch after blowing up the Beamos. The switch will cause a hookshot target to pop put on the ledge you were just on. play around with the hookshot and whatever boots you need until you've collected all the rupees. Destroy the barrier in the next room by shooting the ball in the barrier with a light arrow. Second, the water barrier. Break the ring of icicles and bottle some blue fire. Melt the red ice in front of the exit. Kill the Freezzards to open up the barred exit. Before leaving the room, refill a bottle with blue ice. The next room should definitely remind you of the Ice Carvern.According to the view when you first enter the room, you should push the farther block to the right. When it hits a rock, go around and push it into the hole. Now, give the other block a push so that it passes directly over the filled in hole. Then push it against a rock. Then push it into the nook. Now, climb up to the red ice, melt it, and hammer the switch. Now climb up to the unbarred door, enter, and destroy the barrier with another light arrow. Third, the shadow barrier. Light the torch on the island to the right with a fire arrow. Jump across the islands to the main island with the Like Like. Kill the like like. Shoot the torch again. The islands will appear. Follow the steps to a permanent island with a switch on it. Hit the switch to make a chest appear on the main island that the steps connected to. Use your longshot to hook on to the chest and pull yourself back up. Then Golden Gauntlets are inside.* Now, pull out the lens of truth to see a path to a switch platform. Hammer the switch. Retrace your steps and find another path, with the lens, to the exit. Light ----> + barrier. *Once you obtain the Golden Gauntlets. Go outside Ganon's castle where the Great Fairy once gave you Din's flame. Now, there's a giant pillar, similar to the one in the fire barrier, that's black and gray with the crescent moon symbol. The Golden Gauntlets will allow you to move the pillar. Behind it is the Great Fairy. She will cast a spell on you (permanently) that causes you to take only half the normal damage. Fourth, the fire barrier. This one was a little tricky at first. Ever this one or the light barrier is blocked by a pillar that you need the golden gauntlets to remove. Before you enter, don the Goron Tunic and the hover boots, and keep them on during the whole fire barrier with one exception. You can collect the first rupee by hovering to the sinking platform to the left and then hovering back to the main platform. Make your way to the sinking platform by the large pillar. Hover your way from the sinking platform to the ledge. Then go pick up the giant pillar. Now go back to the main platform. Position yourself so that you can longshot to the target next the exit. From here, you should notice the target on that seemingly unreachable platform with a torch slug. Wait for the torch slug to move out of the way of the target, then longshot across. Kill the torch slug. Then hover to the giant pillar you threw. Now change into your Kokiri Boots. Jump to the sinking platform with the rupee, then jump back on the pillar. Don the hover boots, and make your way back to the main platform. The rupee on the platform with the spinning, fire shooting thing is easy to collect if you dont worry too much about getting hurt. Longshot to the exit. Light ----> + barrier. Fifth, the light barrier. Upon entering, get your lens of truth.(By the way you can put on the Kokiri boots now). The lens will reveal Keese hovering above some treasure chests. Kill them to reveal a treasure chest with a small key. Exit. In the next room, there's a triforce symbol. Stand on it, and play the annoying, Royal Bedtime Song(if you're confused about what song that is, how did you make it to Ganon's castle?). A chest with a small key appears. Either the next room or the one after that has a wall master that will grab you like in the forest temple. Anyways, the next room has easy to collect rupees. The one in the middle can be reached by hookshotting to the target directly above it. The next room will have a fake wall that the lens of truth will reveal. Light ----> + barrier. Sixth, and last, the spirit barrier. Bomb the Beamos first. Then, pull the Armos statues further from the wall so the razor traps are safer to pass by to collect the rupees. In the next room, use the sword spin attack to hit the nearer switch. Get a bombchu from the chest and and send it over the wall to hit the other switch. In the next, room, shoot the web overhead with a fire arrow. Use the Mirror shield to wake up the sun switches. Warning: waking the wrong sun switch may trigger a wall master. Light ----> + barrier. Suggestion: you really should get the biggoron's sword as soon as possible. Especially before the ascent throught the tower after you've destroyed the barriers. You should also visit the Great Fairy right outside

Ganon's Castle.

4. Ganondorf tower and Ganondorf walkthrough When you inter the central tower, run up the stairs to the left. You can run past the Keese if you choose. In each chamber, there are basically just Stalfos and Iron Knuckles that are pretty easy to beat. Tip: there's one room with two Iron Knuckles. Awaken them one at a time. Nayru's Love is helpful, too. When you reach a room with a pillar resembling the one in the boss battle against twinrova that you can climb, don't climb it. There are jars in the corners. Don't touch them. Use them later if you need them. Go through the large shutter door and begin the long ascent to Ganondorf's chamber. Ganondorf mentions the triforce is all in one place now. That is why your magic and health refill. Get ready for the 1st big battle. This is written for those who only have the master sword. If you have the Biggoron's sword, read the following, then the extra paragraph that apllies to Biggoron's sword people. First of all, you should stick to the corners. They're permanent. When the battle starts, you should have your light arrows and hookshot equipped. Stand in a corner and far enough out that you can see Link's body. Ganondorf will throw spells at you like in the Forest Temple. Reflect them with your master sword. When the spell is about a foot in front of you, tap B. He'll reflect the spells with his cape. If you're persistant, you'll eventually stun Ganondorf. Quickly shoot his body with a light arrow. The second you make a hit with the light arrow, Get a lock on and tap the hookshot button once. As soon as Ganondorf lands on the central platform, tap the hookshot button once more. You'll longshot to his cape. Try to get a couple or three hits with your sword. When he starts to get up immediately hookshot to the corner.(The hookshot does stick to Ganondorf's cape and to the arena walls.)After a while Ganondorf looks ragged and will start a new attack. You can tell because instead of lightning above his head before a spell, there's a black ball. I've never tried this but Prima says you can dart to another corner and avoid most of the damage. Here's a better plan. When you see the black ball, shoot him with a light arrow before he casts the spell. Then do the hookshot and sword thing again. He'll eventually spit up blood and supposedly die. IF YOU HAVE THE BIGGORON'S SWORD, do the latter to beat Ganondorf. But, When you longshot to Ganondorf, pause as soon as you can to switch to the Biggoron's sword. Go for two hits with the sword. But, still use the master sword to repel the magic.

5. Escape from the castle and Ganon Walkthrough

Stay behind Zelda the whole way out and don't worry to much about the rocks hitting you. Zelda will constantly turn around and wait for you before she keeps going. You should have 45 seconds to a minute to spare. In one room you have to defeat two Stalfos. Zelda will leave a few hearts after you beat them. And on the way out across a bridge, there's a ReDead. Stay to the right so you don't get caught now. The castle collapses and the cutscene goes by... Now Ganondorf comes and turns into Ganon. Now the 2nd big battle. He hits the master sword out of your hand. So equip the hammer if you don't have the Biggoron's sword. When Ganon raises his swords run between his legs and lock onto his tail. Hit his tail with the hammer or sword a while. Finally you'll be able to reach the Master Sword. Go back into the ring again. Lock on. If you're locked onto the tail your lockon will automatically switch to the head after a short time. Whenever Ganon has his swords lowered hit his head with a light arrow. If he freezes with his hands spread apart from each other, run around back and slice his tail. It should take about nine attacks after you've retrieved your sword. I'm not sure if the Biggoron's Sword deals more damage in this case. But I do know that if it's about time for Zelda to freeze Ganondorf, you have to use the Master Sword before she'll freeze him. Then you'll have to go and take another stab after she freezes him and the cutscene will then take over. The sages will imprison Ganon in the void.

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