Hyrule Field, Market, Hyrule Castle, and Lon Lon Ranch

Now that you're done with Kokiri Forest, it's time to go to Hyrule Castle! From where you spoke with the owl, follow the path through Hyrule Field to the castle gates. You may be stuck fighting throughout the night if you can't get there before sunset. No worry, because you can fend off the skeletons that come out during the night! When morning comes, run across the drawbridge and into the Market. Stop at the guardhouse right after you cross the bridge and destroy all the pots for an easy bunch of rupees! Don't enter the Bazaar and buy the Hylian Shield yet; you can get a discount on it later if you wait a bit. Go through the Market and follow the path out of it to the castle. You can't enter through the gates because they're closed and guards are everywhere, so you're going to sneak in! Speak with Malon by the wall with vines on it to get a Weird Egg, then climb the wall. Run across to the gate and go down the ladder and exit the door to get past it! Now the tricky part is avoiding the guards, and I'll try and describe how to get past them as good as I can. When the path turns left for the first time, run up the hill and into the grassy area. Run past the guard and follow the path through the grass to the castle. Before you reach the castle, turn off the path to the left and climb up the wall to the left of the guard and the main entrance. Jump down into the water and swim down the stream until you reach the end where it's blocked. Jump out and walk towards the sleeping man. By now, your Weird Egg has hatched, so use the Rooster to wake him up! He'll talk to you, then run away. Now, push and/or pull the two blocks where he was sitting and push them both over the edge. Jump across to the door with an opening with water coming out and crawl in. Go through the Castle Courtyard while avoiding ALL the guards along the way until you reach Princess Zelda at the end of all that stuff. Talk to her and listen to her story, then she'll give you a letter, which allows you to get through guarded gates without a problem! As you leave, you'll run into Impa. Talk to her and she'll teach you Zelda's Lullaby and escort you out of the castle, away from the guards. From the castle, run through Hyrule Field until you reach Lon Lon Ranch near the middle of the field. Enter the first house to the left and talk to Talon, the man you woke up at the castle. He'll play a game with you for some rupees; find his three special cuccos and get a Bottle filled with Lon Lon Milk! After you win, go into the ranch itself and talk to Malon. Use your Ocarina and she'll teach you Epona's Song! After that, leave the ranch and head east of the castle to Kakariko Village.

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