Second PoeThe sign near Hyrule Castle. Brush by it to reveal a Big Poe.
Third Poe The bottom V-Shaped wall east of Lon Lon Ranch. Brush by it to reveal a Big Poe.
Fourth Poe The lookout point near Kakariko Village. Go under the little bridge to reveal a Big Poe.
Fifth Poe Southeast section of Hyrule Field. Ride around the brush until you reveal a Big Poe.
Sixth Poe Southeast section of Hyrule Field. Ride around the brush until you reveal a Big Poe.
Seventh Poe The intersection near Gerudo Valley. Ride on the path until you reveal a BigPoe.
Eighth Poe The tree near the north end of the intersection. Brush by it to reveal a BigPoe.
Ninth Poe The tree north of the entrance of Lon Lon Ranch. Brush by it to reveal a BigPoe.
Tenth Poe
The Big Rock at the beginning of the gap of the Y-Shaped Path. Brush by it to
reveal a Big Poe.