Welcome To Kerv's Deathwish MUD Page

click on the graphic to be whisked away, to Deathwish, or...
Click Here for the official home page

The Deathwish Home page is full of info about the MUD, the staff, the rules, etc, but before you head off to MUD, I suggest you stay and check out my pages, especially if you've never been on a MUD before.

About Deathwish

(not the OFFICIAL scoop, but my personal thoughts on my favorite MUD)

My Deathwish MUD Help Page

with info on: classes, stats, getting help once you're on (help files) and info on players and staff

A program that makes MUDding easier and more fun

another thing - my email is PidassStu@aol.com - feel free to Email me with questions or comments on this page or Deathwish.

NEW! Deathwish has instituted a policy now that players referring other players earn quest points! (you can find out about quest points by typing "help quest" once you're online) So, if you see me online, let me know, and I'll let you know how to help me get mine...then you can start recruiting YOUR friends to play, and get points for yourself!

here's the crap Geocities MAKES US put on the pages...

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