Cheat 'n Spam's WebDiner |
Hello, I'll be your webpage for the evening/afternoon/morning/moment/whatever. We have some wonderful entrees here, including a few dices of Spam, some cheat codes for an appetizer, an Elvis accusation from a bakery down the line, and some toast made by the resident talking toaster. May I suggest the Flambé?
Now, what'll be your pleasure? Just click on the name of the page you
want(It'll be underlined or have a border).
Spam: Cooked up by our Spam chef, Garrett, this taste of the wild side is only for the daring. It'll make you sing, laugh, go bug-eyed. A local favorite. Ted's Toast: Butter-side-down, just the way any toaster would prefer. Made by our resident Megalomaniacal computerized toaster named Ted. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you will obey the toaster. |
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It's the not-so-famous "Garrett's Clock tower"!