Welcome to my page just step on to the trap door and slip the noose around yer' neck much abliged want a blindfold? yer going to be hung and shot pardner I'll just pull this rope and not so happy trails bye bye
The Executioners Hang is an unofficial page deadacated to one of my favorite RPGs
DEADLANDS!!!!!!!! by the fine people the Pinnacle Entertainment Group
 this page is filled with good ideas for the Marshal and Posse alike so take a gander at what's below and pay no attention to that sound below you it's not pahranas
-sharp shootin'' six-guns-
Got some big mean guns that your posse needs, and they'er enemys want
remember to keep out of reach of children, and never shoot at nitogliseren at
point blank range
-Hoyle's hexes-
My great great Uncle Edmond (Hoyle) taught me tons'O hexes, here's a few of them
and if you dare call me a witch I will use them on you!,
most people choose to be something other than a fried pool of goo
for the rest of their life....err death
-carrion coup-
 I hate undead they freak me out, but the Judge does not ,most people
get Night Terrors, and 4 or 5 phobias just by looking at him
-crazy cultests-
Have you ever been to Lost Angles well the first thing I can tell you about the place is don't go there!!! if you walk into a restaurant you will be on the main coarse
-crawly critters-
All the little varments are here to eat uh I meen meet you
-tall tales-
Adventure ideas and trecks
all you PCs and your posse KEEP OUT!!!!
-feather headed Favors-
Tonto might want to look in here I got favors and rituals for shamans
and the like
-gear powed gizmos-
Being a huckster with the brains of a scientist I know what a mad scientist would want with these
this deck of cards was used by Edmond Hoyle it is enchanted don't belive me? BLAM!!!!!!!!!
-mighty miricals-
A witch you call me? well guess who says his prayers to god every night
Take a look at the other pages I like to visit
-words of the wise-
This section will be up soon once I get some good ideas for it
A humorus little section about deadlands read the starting section first
not posted yet
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Deadlands is a trademark of the Pinnacle Entertainment Group, and so are most of  the images on this page
further more I am not a satinets or do I support  any such activities or means of racism, the information on this page is not to be taken literally, and if some of you haven't  figured it out  I am perfectly  sain(if you think I am
let me explane) that is all