Kids Say the Dumbest Things
page XXXVI

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life sucks

The 8th of February, 2002...

Question time

Aeryll has a mallet, a sword, and pointy ears. Any questions? :D

DogStar has one Aeryll. Mind sitting in his lap?

Aeryll ahems, and points DogStar to the first part of her statement. Mallet. Any MORE questions? :D

DogStar has another question, Aeryll....

[Aeryll] "Yeeeeesss, puppy?"

[SanityClause] Aeryll> Do you taste nice with KY-Sauce?

Aeryll snickers at Sanity. "Um... I'll pass on that one."

DogStar lifts both paws and makes a squeezing motion about where her breasts would be if she were standing in front of him. "Squeezy squeezy?"

Aeryll hrms... Sword

[SanityClause] Aeryll> Can you dance the dance of the ruptured spleen?

DogStar gets smacked and oWs.... "Ok, ok. Last question, I promise."

Aeryll blinks at Sanity. "..No. What's with all these questions?" O.o

[SanityClause] I thought I was aksing the questions?

[SanityClause] Aeryll> Do you come with a free burrito?

Aeryll ¬.¬

[Aeryll] "...No... But I do come with one free asskicking with every purchase. Next question.

Aeryll nods to DS. "This better be good"

[SanityClause] Aeryll> When are the pod people coming?

Aeryll blinks at Sanity, then laughs!

Aeryll just grins at Sanity. "Uhh. I think they're already here." ^.^;;;

DogStar grins at Aeryll. "There's a island in the South Pacific... have you ever been there?"

[DogStar] "It's called Kamaniwanalaya."

Aeryll thinks. "...Island... South Pacific. No. Can't say I have."

SanityClause blinks at DS. "Methinks you're giving the poor dog a boner"

Aeryll blinks again at Doggy. "Kamaniwhuh?"

Aeryll mouths the words a few times silently, then BLINKS.

Aeryll >.<;;;

Aeryll hefts her mallet meaningfully.

DogStar spreads his arms for Aeryll. "Come to Daddy Doggie!"

Aeryll comes to DogStar alright... Mallet first. She swings for his head.

DogStar closes his eyes and waits for the kiss of true love.

Aeryll *WHAMS* DogStar over the head with the mallet, anime Style.

DogStar bends over, head going into the floor, butt still on the couch, out cold.

Aeryll grins and hefts her mallet. "Any more questions?" :D

[DogStar] ".... One... more.... question."

Aeryll peers at Dogstar. "....Yeees?"

Aeryll readies the mallet, pointed at DS's rear.

[DogStar] "... medic?"

Aeryll smirks.

Aeryll COULD put him through a wall.. Then again, she could show mercy. She shrugs, and swings anyway.

Aeryll , afterwards, calls out. "MEDIC!" :D

Aeryll 's never one to deny herself pleasure. XD

DogStar is always happy to please, Aeryll... and, being a Playerform, uses PlayerMagic to return himself to full health, AND still cop that feel off her he wanted before scampering off.

Aeryll YARK!s and is groped! O.O

DogStar notes not only is Aeryll groped, but groped By The Best! Who's now hiding up in the balcony shivering in fear.

The 14th of Feburary, 2002... ...submitted by Rina

2002's Idiot of the Year (part 1)

XPYSCHOSAIYANX enters this room

Ridge hrms. "...Loser Sense... Tingling..." ¬.¬



XPYSCHOSAIYANX Looks at ridge s lowly

XPYSCHOSAIYANX Shakes His h Ead Stupidity

XPYSCHOSAIYANX Takes A Seat And Grabs A Pop

XPYSCHOSAIYANX Pops the top and sips it

XPYSCHOSAIYANX sighs sipping it again

Ridge gives the Saiyan little more than a condescending look, before utterly ignoring the presence of the fool.

Jamerance jumps alittle as his Low INT alarm goes off, "Whoa, it nearly blew up."


DianeMasuku decides not to go wandering just yet finding the current bunch quite entertaining

XPYSCHOSAIYANX Shake s his head and says dont even t alk makes you l ook more stupider

Ridge Agrees with you on that one, X. You are a fool.

XPYSCHOSAIYANX Yawns a lil bit more...

[Ridge] "Wise advice. Maybe you should follow it."



[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] "You Actually Think You Can Beat Me In A BAttle"

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] "And You Assume I would hit a girl"

Ridge smirks at X. "If it's a battle of wits, I wouldn't fight you. I don't fight against unarmed opponents."

DianeMasuku ruibs her actually feeling dumber with XP there

XPYSCHOSAIYANX Shakes his head in "Disgust"


XPYSCHOSAIYANX Seses Diane And Smirks Changing to A Laugh

Ridge has +5 VS Morons, Diane. And he can cast a Protect. VS Inanity for you.

Foot 's player recignises every single word Xp is saying but is still lost in the desert without a camel

XPYSCHOSAIYANX Changes HIs View To R ina

XPYSCHOSAIYANX Says Maybe Perking A Eye Brow.

Akordia enters this room

XPYSCHOSAIYANX Snaps HIs Fingers And A Came l Appears In The Desert By Foot?

DianeMasuku warns Akordia of the incredible stupidity in the area

Ridge can't help but giggle at the Saiyan. "I guess this one accidentally took the long bus to school instead of his usual one."

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] "Yeah I Drove My Se lf W hile Your Mom Enjoyed Sucking Me OFf"

Rina gets up and walks over to X then, "Sir.."

Ridge raises his eyebrows at the Saiyan. "I didn't know you were into Necrophilia. I believe that's illegal."



Rina looks up at the half wit, "Please leave this area or I will have to arrest your for disturbing the peace."

XPYSCHOSAIYANX Smirks At Ridge And YAwns ANd Says Listen you Disgrunnleted Pee Nark Dont Waste My Time"

Akordia glances around the main hall. Her eyes lock onto X in an icy glare. We're talking absolute zero here, people. Or colder...

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] "Your Pathetic Words Dont Make Sense

[Akordia] "Rina, you're assuming there'll be enough left to arrest. Stop it."

[Ridge] "You know they should make idiocy a crime. Idiots like this one are not only a danger to society, but a danger to themselves."


XPYSCHOSAIYANX Shakes His HEad And Says MAybe You Should Move Before I Move You

[Rina] That's because you don't understand big words. I'll try this. Shut up or I'll smack you to next week! How is that?


DianeMasuku smiles watching


Akordia wanders over to her couch, and drops her pack on her coffee table. She then takes a long metallic cylinder from it, and unscrews an end.


Ridge smiles at the Saiyan. "Aaah... I see. Your cognitive processes are unable to register the meanings behind my phrases. I see I shall have to use other methods of conversation. Me, Ridge. You, Moron."

Foot 's player thinks that if they ever let XP into the gene pool, he's going to start wearing a wet suit

XPYSCHOSAIYANX Me Josh You Getting Hacked~_~

DianeMasuku 's Keyboardist falls out of her chair laughing at Ridge

XPYSCHOSAIYANX SHakes His HEad At The Stupidiocy Of Ridge


Akordia takes a tightly rolled sheet of paper from the cylinder, and smiles sadistically at X...

Ridge smirks at the Saiyan. "Ah. So the monkey has a name then? Good. But I don't see much hacking. Are you having problems working out opposable thumbs again? Poor semi-evolved simian..."

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] What To DO To Her Comp....


Rina shakes her head and makes a grab for X "You're not even halfway intelligent to hack salad."

Ridge 's player personally thinks X is bullshitting, and couldn't "hack" his way out of a wet paper bag. ;) Especially with such a low level of intelligence as his.

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Riight IP Interner Protocl Me De lete Your IP

DianeMasuku doesn't know if her Keyboardist can take this...she's gonna hurt herself laughing

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Or Log ON To Your Tcp/ip And Fcuk up your connection

Ridge 's player'll collapse laughing on the floor right next to you, Diane. :D

XPYSCHOSAIYANX Me Nuke Your Comp Spike Your Ip And Mother Board Go Bye Bye?

DianeMasuku stops reads X's post and falls over again laughing harder

XPYSCHOSAIYANX Twirls Around From Rina Trying Not TO HIt The Young One

[Ridge] (( *LOL* yeah RIGHT, Saiyan. You have NO idea what you're doing. You're not a hacker. You're just some lame brained Wannabe. Go diddle your wang elsewhere, idiot. ))

Rina racks X now, all males must make a consitution check or hold their family jewels.

[Ridge] (( I DARE you to try! Go on! Do your worst! *laughing his arse off* ))


[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] And My Wor se is Making Your Comp Not turn On

[Rina] For the simple minded yes.

[DianeMasuku] ((Too bad most win98+ systems dont recognize the nuke packets due to the patches...and you cant outright delete an ip...hmm what else am i forgeting?))

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] your just blowing your mother board and you havving to spend over 1,000 its buy a new one or fucking w ih you ip and usign a Hd Killer

[Ridge] (( That he's lacking all but two braincells and a cock bigger than an inch? ;) ))

[Ridge] (( bring it X. Just bring it. *giggles* ))

[DianeMasuku] ((oh ya you dont log onto TCP or IP those are merely protocols in the entire stack__

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Who said She Win98?

Rina needs to be admin. Vote Rina!

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Giggles are you a guy ora girl?

DianeMasuku votes Rina

[Ridge] (( Oh! Here's a test, Saiyan! Tell me exactly where I am in this world! Go on. I bet you can't even get my provider's contact address you fool. ^.^ ))

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Lmao!!!!!!!!!!

[Ridge] (( That's for you to find out, Oh Great and Powerful "l33t h4x0r" ;) ))

Rina has a more sesible hack for X. Called Ip capture, traceroute then tell the nice ISP your little ditty here. Hows that for ultra-tech hacking?

[DianeMasuku] ((Better question would be since he's so smart about networks what kind of network are you running over))

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Brb Got Some Shit To Do :D Im going to g o into another chat room and then talk to one of the guys who made the s ite which is a very good friend

XPYSCHOSAIYANX exits from this room

Ridge 's player absolutely PISSES Himself with laughter!!

[DianeMasuku] ((We'll be waiting hun good luck *sarcasm*))

Akordia curses the idiot. She was halfway through writing a SlayPost.

Rina has one of those headaches again.

[Ridge] (( I honestly have never laughed so hard in my LIFE! XD ))

DianeMasuku moves away from Ridge's player while her Keyboardist rolls on the floor laughing

Jamerance maintains his composure, not.

Ridge 's player digs himself a f**king grave so he doesn't have far to go when he dies laughing.

Akordia rolls the piece of paper back up and puts it back in its case as she replies. "yes, Nadven. I'm well. And how are you?"

Rina goes back to Unkie Jam. Rubbing ehr temples no less.

Jamerance asks to be excused while wiping away tears. "Just a minute."

Ridge smirks as the half-baked, barely evolved Simian leaves. "Ladies and Gentlemen? We have just witnessed the Missing Link in human evolution. Be afraid. Be very afraid" ;)

Jamerance waves bye and holds his sides.

[Akordia] "strange. I thought the missing link would have been an intermediary step, not a hundred steps backward."

2002's Idiot of the Year (part 2)

XPYSCHOSAIYANX enters this room

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Lmao You Loved talking To My Cousin Didnt You?

[Jamerance] Hey there monkey, come down from your tree.

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Lmao He Said He Loved Talking To You

[Rina] What in the world are you talking about you moron?

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] <~~~~~~Shane Not Josh

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] You Were Talking TO My Cousin Josh

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] And Only Moron OVer HEre Is him....

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Lol, What did he say?

Rina makes a face -_- "Your typing is exactly the same as before. I'm not that stupid."


DianeMasuku gets in that grave with Ridge's player cause she will die laughing too

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] ..............

[Ridge] (( You're an idiot X. Really you are. *LHFGDAO*

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] I Type Like My Cousin We Took The Same Classes...

[Ridge] (( So you sleep with each other as well? Thought so. :) ))

[Rina] I'm going to have to pay respects to my player soon.


[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Sorry To DisApoint Ya!


[Ridge] (( Yeah. You and your "Special Friends" go off and play X. Oh. and keep trying with that "hacking" attempt you keep making. ;) ))


[Rina] I'm sorry, no two people ever has the exact same typing stle, it like martial arts movement and fingerprints. Try again.

Foot 's player wants to know about these classes so thet he can avoid them like the plague they abviously are


[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] No Josh MAde The Attempt Not Me...

Drusilla walks in and stays near the exit silently watching the others,as she looks to Nad

[DianeMasuku] ((Careful ridge you might get h4x0red with the l337 nuk3s ;) ))

[Ridge] (( Actually, on that note, where IS that hacking attempt? Hmm? Come on. I want to see if you really have any intelligence, "Josh". ))


[Ridge] (( *falls over laughing at Diane* Oh I'm so scared! The l33t h4x0r is going to nu|<3 me! Oh wouldn't that just 5ux0r? *ROFL* ))


[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] "josh: IS watching Tv

[DianeMasuku] ((Oh thats beautiful how he put quotes around the name ))

[Ridge] (( And I'm Tinkerbell. ;) ))


XPYSCHOSAIYANX looks around t he room a nd t hen thinks and watches his cloak blow

XPYSCHOSAIYANX looks at his hands and then b lwos on them

2002's Idiot of the Year (part 3)

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] S HIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Joshs Dad In The Cia Is Coming Over

[Ridge] (( *giggles madly* Thank you X. You've given me one of the most entertaining mornings of my life. And you still continue to. ^.^ ))

[Rina] You can leave now X, you're oviously too 'smart' for us.

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Hack On Got TO HIde JOsh's HAcking Progs


[Ridge] (( *ROFL* ))

[DianeMasuku] ((*gags* Help someone Im dieing laughing here))

[Ridge] (( I'll see you in heaven, Diane! I'm dying first! XD ))

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Josh's Dad Is In The CIa Want Bag #?

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] And I Got A # You Can Dial To Check it

Foot 's player is still looking for some sort of translation manual

[Ridge] (( If it's 0800-HOTGUYS, then no thanks, X. I've got all the male lovin's I want right here. ;) ))

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Alright hes here hang Om



[Ridge] (( Oh gods someone PLEASE kill me now! My sides are splitting with laughter!! XD ))

[Foot] "Advanced Gibberish, maybe?"

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Do You Want The PAge # And Phone # To Check IT?


[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] bage** (*^(* (_$*(_&*(_$*&_ $(*&

[Rina] Incoherancy level five.





[Ridge] (( *DIES laughing. Here. Right here. G'bye! ^.^ ))

[Rina] Actually I'd like you to leave.


Rina plays taps for the Rustybottom.


[DianeMasuku] ((Someone help me I'm dieing laughing))


[Rina] What's your point?

[Ridge] (( *resurrects himself JUST so he can laugh some more* You should become a standup comedian. You're just too hilariously funny. XD ))

Rina plays taps for Diane, she's not going to waste much more time.

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Bage # 401-54-657

[Foot] no, Sorry XP, didnt understand any of that

[XPYSCHOSAIYANX] Phone # 720-422-175

[DianeMasuku] ((*dies and the body is still laughing*))

XPYSCHOSAIYANX Yawns And walks toward the door

Rina losses two good friends to laughter, she'll never look at a clown the same way again.

Ridge 's player dies laughing again.

Rina helps X along. "Coem on coem on hurry along, I can't hide any more bodies until the trash is taken out."

Rina can't believe she typoed the same word the exact same way...

Foot 's player would just like to point out that XP probably didnt notice anyway, Rina

DianeMasuku needs her Keyboardist to be resurrected

Ridge 's player now resides in heaven, playin' cards with Diane's Keyboardist, Hendrix, Elvis, and Martin Luther King.

Akordia notes that, based on X, a checkbox should be added to the form to register, labelled: "I hereby certify that whoever checks this box shall be declared an idiot"...

DianeMasuku 's Keyboardist gets into a fight with Ghandy

[draumr] (Ghandy?..*l*..)

[DianeMasuku] ((Oh gimme a break least I tried to spell decently unlike the idiot))

Ridge 's player falls out of heaven laughing. Damn you Diane! XD

[Ridge] (( Ghandi. You were only minorly wrong. Don't worry. ^.^ ))

Akordia notes that, that way, those who unwittingly call themselves idiots can be weeded out.

DianeMasuku likes that idea Akordia

The 27th of March, 2002... ...In the Matrix

Roleplay skool

[Dar] When you are just wanting to say something, don't type in : or anything, just type in what you want to say. If you want to action, use a : . If you want to uses a mixture, you can either action first by using a :, or you can say something first and put what you are saying in quote( " ") and action in astricts( *).

[Dar] Sorry, long post.

[Hashitoro] ok i understand that part

[Dar] Ok and in battle when you are battling someone, you can't have more power than your character was designed for/

[Hashitoro] ok how do you decide power?

[Hashitoro] or whatever

[Dar] Ok, your character.

[Hashitoro] how do i know what power he is designed for?

[Dar] Oi....

[Dar] have an anthro....

[Dar] In battle you might just be screwed.

[Hashitoro] what's an anthro?

SomeFurryLoser enters this room

[Dar] Thanks!

[SomeFurryLoser] Yes? Hello?

[Dar] Ok, SFL, do you know how to teach this dude to battle as an anthro?

[SomeFurryLoser] Ok. Step one.

[Hashitoro] ok

SomeFurryLoser points at Hashitoro's legs. "What are those?"

[Dar] ooc: I might learn something :P

[Hashitoro] ok i'm a dumb ass but there human legs

[Dar] *shakes her head* Dude, you are talking about ooc. What he is talking about is IC.

[SomeFurryLoser] Legs, good. They grant you the ability to RUN AWAY!

[Hashitoro] ok what's ooc?

[Dar] Out of Character.

[Hashitoro] ok

[SomeFurryLoser] Head... exploding...

[Dar]>[SomeFurryLoser] This is the dumbest dude I have ever had to teach in my life....

[Hashitoro] um ok

[Dar]>[SomeFurryLoser] I needed some help *patpats*

[Dar] Do my sanity a favor and uses that lovely key called "shift"

[Dar] *use

[SomeFurryLoser] dbtlyssoab

[Dar]>[SomeFurryLoser] Wha?

[SomeFurryLoser]>[Dar] "Don't be to long you sorry son of a bitch"

[Dar]>[SomeFurryLoser] *ROTF!*

[Dar] Rusty! PLEASE help us teach this dude (Hashitoro) how to RP.

Rusty facepaws.

[Rusty] "Ahh.

[Rusty] "Um... Well... er...

[Rusty] "Okay. On a lameness factor of 1 to 10, what's he hitting so far?"

SomeFurryLoser has already imparted the secret ninja kitty technique of RUN AWAY!

[Dar] He's AFK right now. I'm shocked that he knows what that is...

[Dar] I would say a -341874129384712

[Dar] Of course that's saying 1 is the worst and 10 is the best.

[Rusty] "Um. Dar? Negative figure would suggest unlame.

[Rusty] "Ten is best if you want to be lame.

[Rusty] "So I guess we're talking Towering Pillar of here.

[Dar] Ok, in that case 3142342341236136351235

[Dar] Oh yes.

Rusty nods. "Towering Pillar of Lame"

Dar goes and gets her kitty ooc entity.

Dar exits from this room

RandomOriginal enters this room

RandomOriginal is here! Meet the kat of your dreams! Right here 24 hours a day on the mail-order bride network!

[RandomOriginal] O.o

[Rusty] "Bitchin, Ro. :)

SomeFurryLoser hoorays! He didn't waste his money after all!

[Rusty] "Houston? We are Clear of the Lame. Repeat. We are Clear of the Lame. The Eagle has Landed

[RandomOriginal] He left? O.o

[RandomOriginal] I'm talking to the idiot on MSN....

[RandomOriginal] O.o;;

[RandomOriginal] Oiy! I'm talking to the idiot on MSN! *feels this odd urge to take a shower*

[RandomOriginal] He's coming back.

[RandomOriginal] You're money has not been in vain!

SomeFurryLoser was talking about the mail-order bride, not the towering piller of lame.

RandomOriginal is the mail-order bride....

Rusty blinks. "....nuh?...."

[RandomOriginal] ~The Wheelman~ says:oh jenny man why did you do that for i might not be able to get back to it

[RandomOriginal] He called me Jenny? O.o bad person EVIL!

Rusty sniggers.

[Rusty] "Wait until he starts if he can touch your boobies. XD

[RandomOriginal] ~The Wheelman~ says:i'm tring to remember my password

[RandomOriginal] O.o

[Rusty] "THEN you can lay the smack down on him. ^.^

Rusty *ROFL*

[RandomOriginal] This dude is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

[Rusty] "Laaaaa~aaame.

RandomOriginal shakes her furry head.

SomeFurryLoser feels the urge to roll the wheelman down a hill, or off a cliff.

RandomOriginal walks over to Rusty and hugs him. She needs support.

RandomOriginal laughs.

Hashitoro enters this room

Rusty hugs RO. ^.^

[RandomOriginal] Ok, Rusty, Loser, Me, let's teach him how to RP properly

SomeFurryLoser wonders if he gets hazard pay.

Hashitoro dumb ass enters room.

[RandomOriginal] ............................

[RandomOriginal] Ok, what's first?

[RandomOriginal] We have to teach him soon, or something.

Hashitoro the dumb ass um uhhh what now.

RandomOriginal purrs and hugs the Furry dude.

[SomeFurryLoser] IC - In Character. What you are in here.

[Rusty] "Uuuuhh... Well...

Rusty rubs the back of his head. "...Where do we start?"

[Rusty] "There's a good start. ^.^;

[RandomOriginal] MistressFurry: ooc: out of character, what Rusty, SFLoser and I are right now.

[SomeFurryLoser] OOC - Out Of Character. What you are in real life.

[RandomOriginal] MistressFurry: That too :)

[RandomOriginal] AFK- Away from keyboard. What you say when you literally have to go away from your computer, or something.

[RandomOriginal] : - to be used when actioning (ex:

RandomOriginal actions

[Hashitoro] ok

[SomeFurryLoser] AFW - Away from Window. Using another program on your computer.

[RandomOriginal] Furry, help?

[SomeFurryLoser] AFB - Away from Brain

[RandomOriginal] Semi-AFK= When you are here, but not exactly, you are preoccupied.

[Hashitoro] ha ha i could use that if i had a brain

SomeFurryLoser does this by typing ':' then his action

[Hashitoro] ok

[SomeFurryLoser] The Shift Key - Enables you to use capital letters.

RandomOriginal uses capitals. Maybe you should too.

[Hashitoro] OK

Hashitoro dumb ass learning

[RandomOriginal]>[SomeFurryLoser] You're a remarkable teacher for those that are really dumb! *patpats*

[Hashitoro] uhhhajjaahhh next?

[SomeFurryLoser]>[RandomOriginal] Thanks. i think.

[SomeFurryLoser] uhhhajjaahhh - Something you should never type again.

[Hashitoro] OK

[Hashitoro] huh huh huh monkeys........

[SomeFurryLoser] RP - Role Play, the heart of the matter. Role play is getting in the mindset of someone you are not and sustaining it.

[Hashitoro] keep teaching

[Hashitoro] ok

[SomeFurryLoser] Ignore the monkeys and their futile attempts to hurl their shit through a plate glass window.

[RandomOriginal] Ok, basic functions <b > is bold </ b> it looks like this. Italics <i > italics </i> looks like this. This is <u >underline</u> it looks like this.

[Hashitoro] LMAO

[Hashitoro] ok

[RandomOriginal] Um, don't use internet lingo in here. You will be laughed out a room for it.

[RandomOriginal] You can use it when ooc sometimes,but don't use it when RPing.

[Hashitoro] well right now your teaching me so im not in character

[Rusty] "Never, ever, EVER use a/s/l here. Okay? Trust me. You will only get laughed at hysterically.

[SomeFurryLoser] The secret of role play is constraning bounds. Uber-powerfull or "I-can-do-anything/be-anything" characters get boring to play and annoying to be around unless you are slack-jawed yokel.

[RandomOriginal] Spamming is somethink you should never do,but I am about to show you what it is by example.

[Hashitoro] ok

[RandomOriginal] SFLoser, Rusty, I'm sorry ahead of time.

[RandomOriginal] afk

[RandomOriginal] afj

[RandomOriginal] asdf

[RandomOriginal] asd

[RandomOriginal] a

[RandomOriginal] dfa

[RandomOriginal] a

[RandomOriginal] sdfa

[RandomOriginal] a

[RandomOriginal] asd

[RandomOriginal] sdfa

[RandomOriginal] a

[RandomOriginal] dsfa

[RandomOriginal] sdfa

[RandomOriginal] a

[SomeFurryLoser] Hey rusty

[SomeFurryLoser] sRusty?

[SomeFurryLoser] there?

[SomeFurryLoser] ou and me whomped a$$% big time so l33t!!!111

[RandomOriginal] Spam-Something annoying. By definition mindless posts that are repeat and annoy.

[RandomOriginal] *repeated

[SomeFurryLoser] If you do that and there is a moderator around, you get what's coming to you.

[RandomOriginal] Oh yes you will.

[Hashitoro] you were being annoying to them i suppose

[RandomOriginal] Ok...lets go on the the accual RPing lessons.

( RandomOriginal flips a coin => Fail )

[RandomOriginal] OI...

[Hashitoro] what's a coin?

[Hashitoro] lol i mean um whua?

[RandomOriginal] .....................................

[SomeFurryLoser] o.o;

[Hashitoro] basicly wheres tha coin at?

[RandomOriginal] DON'T TELL HIM!

[RandomOriginal] Dude, we don't use them here -_-

[Hashitoro] well you just did

[RandomOriginal] I did because I was trying to break that awkward silence.

[Hashitoro] ohhh

[SomeFurryLoser] Fact's: carries a japanese katana with red bow tied to blade right above handle,wear's japanese emperial guard uniform,has the power to morph into any animal under canine bio very kind to those who are kind to him but can be a very dangerous person when dealt with the wrong way.

[SomeFurryLoser] That could be better written as.

[RandomOriginal] Periods would be nice.

[Hashitoro] how just a dude thats a dumb ass?

[RandomOriginal] No, that won't work.

[Hashitoro] that's pretty f**kin simple

[Hashitoro] you gotta admit

[RandomOriginal]>[SomeFurryLoser] I never had to go through what he's having to go through. Of course I was never as stupid as he is right now....(SHHHH!)

[RandomOriginal] Yes, but it's not good enough.

[Rusty] "SFL's typing BTW.

[Hashitoro] ok dumb ass who thinks he's cool but every one thinks he's a poser wanna be idiot

[SomeFurryLoser] "He wears a Japanese Empirial Guard uniform complete with katana. The katana has a red bow tied around the hilt, just below the guard. He seems slightly animalistic but seems kind enough."

[Hashitoro] ok

[SomeFurryLoser] The profile is meant to give a brief description of your character, not a tabloid exposé

[RandomOriginal] Hehe...

[RandomOriginal] It doesn't need to be too long, too short, slutty, bastardizing, or otherwise.

[RandomOriginal]>[SomeFurryLoser] [Rusty]>[RandomOriginal] Odd. he's too stupid to figure out proper RPing. But he's intelligent enough to know he's a fuckwit. O.o

SomeFurryLoser gigglefits fo no reason whatsoever.

RandomOriginal huggles SFL, and catches his giggle bug.

[SomeFurryLoser] If you want an in depth profile of your character, put up a webpage. As in

[Hashitoro] OK

[RandomOriginal]>[SomeFurryLoser] *holds up a stop sign* Hold up! He's WAYYYYYYY too stupid to do that!

[RandomOriginal] Ok,what's next?

[Hashitoro] I was wandering that my self

[RandomOriginal] No! You weren't wandering(going somewhere without purpose), you were wondering.

[RandomOriginal] *Facepalms*

SomeFurryLoser pokes Rusty. "You're up"

Hashitoro deep voice "ok thank you Ro" sarcasic as well

[Rusty] "Eh? whuh? o.o

RandomOriginal shakes her head. This is going to take a while....

[Rusty] "Umm... yeah.

[Rusty] "Um. One thing. When you're doing an action, you might want to put some effort into actual grammar.

SomeFurryLoser slips in to Drill Sargent mode.

Rusty sit at table

[Rusty] "That's a baaaad thing to do.

Rusty sits

[Rusty] "That's better, but utterly bloody boring and shows know imagination.

[Hashitoro] ok like how?

RandomOriginal can be the "Vanna White" for this!

RandomOriginal is willing to show him.


RandomOriginal raises her hand and waves it wildly in the air, hoping to be called on.

[Hashitoro] um yes

Rusty gives a tired, somewhat resigned sigh as he walks to a seat, his twin tails swishing soflty behind him. As he drops into a seat at a table, he closes his eyes, a slight smirk creeping onto his lips as he rests his weary body.

RandomOriginal falls over holding her gut in laughter.

[Hashitoro] but you don't have to type like that im right here

[Rusty] "That takes longer to type, but it's creative and interesting. And SFL? you scare the shit out of me sometimes. Really. :)

SomeFurryLoser even donned a green helmet for that. ^.^

[RandomOriginal] Hey, Hash, he's making a joke. Hence: SomeFurryLoser slips in to Drill Sargent mode.

[Hashitoro] um ok

RandomOriginal grins.

RandomOriginal shakes her head in an attempt to muss her already unkempt hair.

SomeFurryLoser slips out of Drill Sargent mode, but keeps the helmet.

[Hashitoro] ok can i say lol?

[SomeFurryLoser] Hey, trust us. I've been doing this for a loooong time.

[Hashitoro] well that was funny

[RandomOriginal] That isn't as long as Rusty or SFL, but long enough.

[SomeFurryLoser] You can say 'lol', but only in an ooc sence. If you try to say it IC, then people will look at you funny and move away and then call the padded wagon.

[SomeFurryLoser] *sense

[Rusty] "Unless I'm in the room too.

[Rusty] "In which case they'll call the padded wagon for ME. ME you hear?! MEEEE!! MWAHAHAHAH!... ahem. c.c

SomeFurryLoser calls the padded wagon the moment Rusty enters, just in case.

[SomeFurryLoser] Of course it's a specially modified padded wagon with restraints and hand-cuffs and oils and.. um.. nevermind.

RandomOriginal is back, and for 99 cents you can be back in the sack too!

[RandomOriginal] O.o I erm....never said that....

SomeFurryLoser has $1.30!! WOOT!

Rusty earperks and grins.

Rusty has... er... Let him check.

Rusty has.. um.. FURRY TAILS! Yeah! :D

[RandomOriginal] o/ Luck be a lady tonight!\o

RandomOriginal wonder if Rusty is done with his lesson, 'cause she's about to take over.

[RandomOriginal] *wonders

RandomOriginal can't type at 1:15 in the morning.

RandomOriginal wonders if she should get into basic RPing, like how to portray your character, RPing with others, etc? The basics?

Rusty ndos. "Good idea."

Rusty pats his Typo Daemon. ¬.¬

[Hashitoro] maybe role playing isn't for me

[RandomOriginal] After you get into it, I promise it will be ok, but you just have to learn, and that takes time.

[Hashitoro] i'll be ok if nobody trys to battle me

SomeFurryLoser has already imparted the secret ninja kitty techniquie of RUN AWAY!ing so battle should not be a problem.

The 4th of April, 2002

Checking out

SomeFurryLoser checks out the women.

Cosira notes to SomeFurryLoser that he has two weeks to read any women he checks out and he'll get charged a late fee if they're overdue.

Yossarin, simply dreamy

Yossarin enters this room

Cosira waves hello to Yossarin.

BlueNinja0 waves to Yoyo.

Yossarin waves hello to Cosira and BlueNinja - using his other hand to bat that darling bang into place over his forehead, the model Persian beauty boy.

SomeFurryLoser looks at Yoyo and starts drooling.

Cosira obligingly whistles at Yossarin and tucks a dollar into his waistband.

Yossarin 's head tilts back, as if heavy, laden with the number of stars that sparkle in his eyes, too many to count, so many to bear, and the multitude of angels dancing 'round his gracious ears, all ready to be purged and violated from his youthful ebony body. He slides a hand, the implement of singular desire, a lady-fingered sheathe for the gentleman's sword, down his elegant neck and onto his quivering breast, dark flesh pulled tight over petite muscle. A hint of perspiration, which doing doth dew, causes his chest to glisten as he reaches beneath the loose folds of his silver vest and removes, with adulterous pleasure, a single white kerchief, yet unstained by indulgence or some other bodily fluid. This he hands charmingly to the furry loser, with his bardic blessing. "Art thou one of Pavlov's beasts, and I, the single ring? Thy tongue doth betray thee, enraptured sir. Here."

Cosira just stares at Yossarin.

BlueNinja0 has to wonder, Yoyo -- do you write romance novels in your spare time?

SomeFurryLoser blushes and takes the kerchief while his Deadside Self falls over laughing.

Cosira 's surprised SFL doesn't spontaneously combust from being the focus of so much...uh...heat.

So that's what did it

Cosira returns from a massive gremming. Reposts?

SomeFurryLoser just had his wicked way with you, Cosira.

Cosira now understands her amazing feeling of tiredness yet wellbeing SFL, thanks for clearing that up. *g*

More to come. Yatta yatta yatta.
Email fan-mail to OrionDouglas, and send me comments on the page as well! Why don't you check out what else my webspace has to offer?

The images used are copyright ©2003 Richard Hunter. I made them! Not you! Bad Monkey! Parts of this page might be copyright of WEBRPG, you never know. However, I take credit for the compilation. If you wanna link to this, fine, just email me and let me know! The views expressed in this document are not those Walt Disney's frozen head. I am not what the cat draged in.