Top-N excuses to give the cop if you're driving naked (drumroll, please...) 1. The air conditioning is broken Submitted: Mark() 2. That's the last time I shop at "The Emperor's New Clothing Store" Submitted: Mark() 3. Moths, officer. I was just attacked by a swarm of moths that ate away every shred of clothing Submitted: Mark() 4. Good afternoon, Officer, my name's Hugh Grant. I'm actually quite a famous actor Submitted: Mark() 5. What do you mean, 'naked'? I'm wearing clothes. Have you been sitting out in the sun a long time? Submitted: Mark() 6. I just gave all my clothes to that homeless guy back there Submitted: Mark() 7. I'm an undercover police officer, I just didn't have a place to pin my badge Submitted: Mark() 8. Oh goody! Are you gonna frisk me?!? (wink wink) Submitted: Mark() 9. I'm on my way to work, I'm a porn star. Submitted: Mark() 10. I'm on my way home from a tax audit Submitted: Mark() 11. Geez, I was going so fast my clothes ripped off me... Oops, let me rephrase that... Submitted: Floyd the Cute and Fluffy Bunny( 12. I'm not naked, just drunk....dooooh! Submitted: Steve() 13. Name?, Why Adam of course - I'm on my way to pick up my wife...Eve Submitted: Steve() 14. Don't call me naked! I'm Clothing-Challenged Submitted: Mark() 15. I'm the head nudist for the nudist colony on Central. Remember, you're a member. Submitted: LK(who else is this bored?) 16. I just washed my clothes and I can't do a thing with them! (LK, apparently a lot of people.) Submitted: () 17. I'm sorry officer, but I'm not about to stand for that! RAPE! RAPE! Submitted: Captain Horny() 18. Well it's like this officer, this great big UFO came down in front of me......... Submitted: Jules() ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This list started by () ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Back to TOP-N index] [Back to my HOME page]