Words or phrases that are fun to say * 1. Gastrointestinal Sub-Commander FNORD -- Zoinks! * 2. FNORD! Sub-Commander FNORD -- Zoinks! * 3. Uvula Sub-Commander FNORD -- Zoinks! * 4. Sucking chest wound Sub-Commander FNORD -- Zoinks! * 5. Chronometric Feline Inhibitor Sub-Commander FNORD -- Zoinks! * 6. Ankle Sub-Commander FNORD -- That's me! * 7. Zygomatic Sub-Commander FNORD -- That's me! * 8. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Sub-Commander FNORD -- That's me! * 9. Crudtastic Sub-Commander FNORD -- That's me! * 10. Volumetric Infundibulum Sub-Commander FNORD -- That's me! * 11. Morbidly obese Sub-Commander FNORD -- The morbidly obese haberdasher with a sucking chest wound picks up madadamia nuts with salad tongs * 12. Haberdasher Sub-Commander FNORD -- The morbidly obese haberdasher with a sucking chest wound picks up madadamia nuts with salad tongs * 13. Marsapan Sub-Commander FNORD -- The morbidly obese haberdasher with a sucking chest wound picks up madadamia nuts with salad tongs * 14. Macadamia Sub-Commander FNORD -- The morbidly obese haberdasher with a sucking chest wound picks up madadamia nuts with salad tongs * 15. Salad Tongs, hee hee hee! Tongs! Tong tong tong tong tong! Sub-Commander FNORD -- The morbidly obese haberdasher with a sucking chest wound picks up madadamia nuts with salad tongs * 16. pseudoschrinkennachkonstruieret Dr. Freud -- * 17. Fantasiefalscherinnerungsfaellen, Dr. Freud -- * 18. vollwissenschaftlichnachfragewiederstaendlich Dr. Freud -- * 19. Ersinntepsychovorurteilenthemen. Dr. Freud -- * 20. Totalkrieg- und Ueberredenszielen Dr. Freud -- * 21. #13 Marzipan? Eine Tante Beatrix -- * 22. Banzai! I study you ranguage at UCRA -- * 23. Tora, tora, tora. I study you ranguage at UCRA -- * 24. Dive, dive, dive! Das Boot -- * 25. Katzenjammer Kapitan -- * 26. Kindergartenpflegerinenunfallsteuerbundesamtbesuchsmiszhandlungentschuldigungsbrief Kapitan -- * 27. BACKH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Klingon Barf -- * 28. #7: Augggghhh! That is one of my all-time favorite words to say! TiGar -- ha! * 29. plastilina TiGar -- ha! * 30. the cat's pajamas TiGar -- ha! * 31. chivalry TiGar -- ha! * 32. ennui TiGar -- ha! * 33. Topher TiGar -- ha HA! * 34. cappuccino TiGar -- ha HA! * 35. thermonuclear TiGar -- ha HA! * 36. flaucinaucinihilipillification (10 points to anyone who knows the etymology of that one) TiGar -- ha HA! * 37. Ich bin verrückt TiGar -- ha ha HA! * 38. polyethelene TiGar -- ha ha HA! * 39. melatonin TiGar -- ha ha HA! * 40. lurgee TiGar -- ha ha HA! * 41. abort, retry, fail TiGar -- ha ha HA! * 42. RIIIIIIICOLA! DoctorNurse in Tampa -- channel.13@soleil.acomp.usf.edu * 43. Grfvnbvoergfrehldaqw3q DoctorNurse in Tampa -- channel.13@soleil.acomp.usf.edu * 44. EAT PORK! DoctorNurse in Tampa -- channel.13@soleil.acomp.usf.edu * 45. Tyler DoctorNurse in Tampa -- channel.13@soleil.acomp.usf.edu * 46. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. DoctorNurse in Tampa -- channel.13@soleil.acomp.usf.edu * 47. SPORK!!!!!!!!! Alacorn -- alacorn@home.com * 48. Hey Macarena!!!! Alacorn -- alacorn@home.com * 49. BOO!!!!!!! Alacorn -- alacorn@home.com * 50. BORK, BORK, BORK!!!! -- * 51. Amphetamines Amphetamine Girl -- http://members.tripod.com/Skyeblue615/MyAmphetamines * 52. Dexedrine Amphetamine Girl -- http://members.tripod.com/Skyeblue615/MyAmphetamines * 53. Ritalin Amphetamine Girl -- http://members.tripod.com/Skyeblue615/MyAmphetamines * 54. Aderal Amphetamine Girl -- http://members.tripod.com/Skyeblue615/MyAmphetamines * 55. Narf! Primis -- "ACH, they caught me with me kilt down!" - Paladain, Wing Commander. * 56. Jalluka Palyuka! Primis -- "ACH, they caught me with me kilt down!" - Paladain, Wing Commander. * 57. Gha.... Primis -- "ACH, they caught me with me kilt down!" - Paladain, Wing Commander. * 58. Ghetto-fabulous Primis -- "ACH, they caught me with me kilt down!" - Paladain, Wing Commander. * 59. Gastro-intestinal... Primis -- "ACH, they caught me with me kilt down!" - Paladain, Wing Commander. * 60. #36: Ummm... I know what it means if that's what you're getting at... Dangerman -- * 61. ('to denounce something as worthless' I think...) Dangerman -- * 62. My spoo has too much fleem. Dangerman -- * 63. Lubumbashi! Guk -- * 64. Gahakafaga! Guk -- * 65. Mufasa! Guk -- * 66. Crockenhouchensgermeistreombeefheiser! Guk -- * 67. gastroenterocolostomy Sub-Commander FNORD -- egads! An egg! * 68. pneumopleuroparietopexy Sub-Commander FNORD -- egads! An egg! * 69. antidisestablishmentarianism Sub-Commander FNORD -- egads! An egg! * 70. colpcystoureterocystotomy Sub-Commander FNORD -- egads! An egg! * 71. spaghetti Sub-Commander FNORD -- egads! An egg! * 72. RAPPA DAPPA SOI OI Manc -- * 73. snoogans Manc -- * 74. Who killed the cat?? Manc -- * 75. I think you suck Manc -- * 76. Gastroentomology ChAoS -- * 77. microcephalic icthyophilic myopic marylanders. ChAoS -- * 78. patella ChAoS -- * 79. mastodon ChAoS -- * 80. pseudohermaphrodite ChAoS -- * 81. isolinear ChAoS -- * 82. paramilitary ChAoS -- * 83. proletariat ChAoS -- * 84. glastnost ChAoS -- * 85. czechoslovakia ChAoS -- * 86. protoplasmic ChAoS -- * 87. concordance ChAoS -- * 88. isolinear ChAoS -- * 89. mandibular ChAoS -- * 90. pinnipeds ChAoS -- * 91. parathyroid ChAoS -- * 92. quazielemental ChAoS -- * 93. quetzycoatyl ChAoS -- * 94. huitzilopochtli ChAoS -- * 95. heck, any of the aztec gods. ChAoS -- * 96. Vegemite Mel -- * 97. I am the model of a modern major general ReedMan -- Somewhere in Portlan,d ORegon * 98. Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore ReedMan -- Somewhere in Portlan,d ORegon * 99. Knick knack paddy whack give a dog a bone. ReedMan -- Somewhere in Portlan,d ORegon * 100. fuzzy. ReedMan -- Somewhere in Portlan,d ORegon * 101. monkey fucker ReedMan -- Somewhere in Portlan,d ORegon Started by: Sub-Commander FNORD (Say it!) Started on: Thu Jan 7 21:22:55 1999