Words Fail Me When... * 1. Jinxster looks at me *that* way. Smely -- * 2. I can't find Vegemite in the stores. Smely -- * 3. That MGB door catches my fingertip. Smely -- * 4. #1: *looks at Smelymouse *that* way* ;) Jinxster -- http://members.tripod.com/~Jinxster * 5. I see all the weird and wonderful things Jinxster has done to her site. Jinxster -- http://members.tripod.com/~Jinxster * 6. Especially Top-X's official social club, the all-new Top-X Zone! Jinxster -- http://members.tripod.com/~Jinxster * 7. Go there now and check it out! Jinxster -- http://members.tripod.com/~Jinxster * 8. Jinxster's age doesn't change for ?3 years. Always a freshman? Smely -- * 9. #8. Maybe she went from being a highschool freshman to a college freshman, maybe she keeps being held back, maybe she means that she's a fresh man. ChAoS -- * 10. Belt and suspenders fail together. Smely -- * 11. #8, #9: I've never been held back in my life. I am a 20 year old senior. I will be 21 in June 1999. My site says I am 19 because I couldn't be arsed to change it. That is now being rectified. Jinxster -- * 12. #11. Huh huh huh, she said rectify. (Sorry I was channeling dangerman) ChAoS -- Dan German? * 13. My tongues been cut out and fed to the cat. ChAoS -- Don't you hate it when that happens. * 14. Rush Limbore starts talking. Smely -- * 15. Janet Nero explains herself. Koresh kid -- * 16. You put on those shiny tight black pants and that see-through top! DragonLady -- @dragon.dominatrix.com * 17. Our tongues are wrestling like crazed ferrets! DragonLady -- @dragon.dominatrix.com * 18. #6: I'd come to your party, Jinxster, but my fleas are all under 16! Smeltmouse -- * 19. #6 Will Vegemite be allowed there? Smeltmouse -- * 20. the penguins eat all the mayonnaise. John Alt-130 -- Your Alt Alternative * 21. My computer goes a day without crashing and/or exploding. MsDraconia -- You don't want to know * 22. The printer prints. MsDraconia -- You don't want to know * 23. The scanner scans. MsDraconia -- You don't want to know * 24. Anything goes right. MsDraconia -- You don't want to know * 25. I awake in the middle of the night to the sounds of Barry Manilow MsDraconia -- You don't want to know * 26. They give really hard exams, and I forget to study. Shazam! -- * 27. I buy them from the lowest bidder Shazam! -- * 28. I am speaking to someone who doesn't understand English Shazam! -- * 29. the math club sends me to abu dabi. Oh, wait, that's "Nerds mail me when..." Shazam! -- * 30. ...I'm constipated. (oops, that's Turds Fail Me When...) Dingo Floyd -- After using the king's toilet, do you get a royal flush? * 31. my pigeons don't act as I trained them (oops, thats BIRDS fail me when) Mage Orion -- orionrh@hotmail.com * 32. My dictionary bites me on the leg Mage Orion -- orionrh@hotmail.com * 33. they slide of the page Mage Orion -- orionrh@hotmail.com Started by: Smely () Started on: Sat Nov 14 12:54:25 1998