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This page explains how the Normandy invasion started, what the objectives were, and who led it.

Normandy invasion

The Normandy Invasion was the largest operation of World War II. Codenamed "Overlord", it opened a second front in Western Europe. It was fought from June 6, 1944 until July 9, 1944 by the American and English Expeditionary Force (36 divisions supported by 1100 warplanes and 700 boats). The commanding general was Dwight D. Eisenhower. The land army (21-st Army Group, Marshal B. Montgomery) was made up of 1st American Army Group (General O. Bradley), 2nd British Army, and 3rd American Army (General G. Patton). After the landing, these groups formed the 12 Army Group. On dawn June 6, 1944, the American forces, attacking from air and sea, landed between Quinville and Port-en-Bassin, forming beaches codenamed "Omaha" and "Utah". The reaction of the German 7th army was weak because German Army Group "B" (Field Marshal E. Rommel) was waiting for an invasion on Pas-de-Calais. By July 9th, the allied forces joined the American and British invasion beaches, pushing the German forces back to the Barneville-Carentan-Caumont-Ouistreham line.

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