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Putz's Home Page
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Putz's Slap Happy Gappy Page O' Fun

(WARNING! This page is full of fun! Please enter cautiously!)

I'M BACK!!!!!!

After several months, many actually, of suspended animation, I have been freed from my cryogenic chamber to continue work on my infamous web page!!! Now including a fan club dedicated to my dear friend, a page about ME!, and also all the old favorites! Enjoy, my friends!

Links to other sites on the Web

Shane's Cheat Page: A site with cheats, codes, and tips for your favorite games. The only thing that is wrong is IT'S JUST NO FUN!!! (Still under FUNstruction! HA!)
Webular Wasteland: This site has lots of FUN bullets, separators, backgrounds, and icons for your personal home page!
Iconz's The Ultimate Site For Free Images: Go to this site and you'll get FREE FUN icons, bullets, and more!!!
Fast Counter: GET A FREE COUNTER FOR YOUR WEBPAGE! I have one! See? Well, you probably can't. Unless you scroll down. These are really FUN!!! Get one today!
STD's and Related Illnesses: Get all the info you need!!! AIDS, Herpes, anything you need! And, learn the newest form of protection! For you women out there: unlimited supply of sponges!

Links to my other Pages

Role-Playing Games
The I Love Cam Fan Club!
My ICQ Page

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visitor since March 24, 1998. Now, don't you feel special?

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