Sarria's Realm

Sorry, but my Neverhood page doesn't exist anymore!

That's right, it's gone! Seemingly that I would never update it again I had to get rid of it. It's been up for two years,
so you had your chance to look at it!

However, all the interactive stuff is still here...

Neverhood Chatroom - The old fashoned ICEbox still rules! Check in here once in awhile! ;P

Message Board - Post stuff you wanna talk about, or ask for hints here.

Neverhood Forums - Just like the Message Board, but it's brand new and has organized sections. I encourage people to start using this thing!

DoodLeS' webpage - Visit my friend DoodleS's Neverhood fanpage! Some really good stuff here and updated frequently. In fact, I -demand- you to visit this site!

If you would like to complain or talk to me about anything, feel free to e-mail me.

My other, non-Neverhood site:

The Mira System - One star, seven planets, lots of inhabitants.

o/` Closing time, every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end... o/`

© 1999-2000, Sarria