Hello! And welcome to,

In the future, this absolutely spectacutlar site will feature some more fun stuff, strategies and helpful hints and cheats for all sorts of computer games, but for now, you'll have to live with this. So step inside, sit back, have a drink, relax, and watch the show.

Sorry for the mess I am still constructing. If you have any sudjestions please send them to me through the boxes below.

people have been to this site

Visit my spectacular Pennet page at once!!!

Ive got some cool links to many of my friends' pages and to a couple others as well, this may be the place for you, come and see.

Ive also got some cooooooool downloads that many of you might like, so check this out!

And if you wana try your hand at a slotmachine go here.

And here's my picture so look at it!

If you've got some, please send me codes:
Name the game


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