Hot House Inc.!

The hits keep rolling along with more wisdom from around the globe!


Mathematician: Shit happening is just a special case...
Statistician: There is an 83.7% chance that shit will happen. Maybe.
Physicist (Theoretical): Shit SHOULD happen.
Physicist (Experimental): To within experimental error, shit DID happen.
Engineer: I hope this shit holds together.
Chemist: I hope this shit doesn't blow up. Gee, what'll happen if I mix this and ... SHIT!!!!
Biologist: Is this shit alive?
Economist: I hope no one figures out that I don't really understand this shit.
Beurocrat: I'm sorry, but we can't do this shit until you fill out form XJ-314159 to make an appointment with our Assistant Sub-Deputy Manager to obtain form ZN-271828...
CEO: (1980's) I've got all the shit I want. (1990's) Oooh, SHIT!
Lawyer: For a sufficient fee, I can get you out of ANY shit.
Doctor: Take two shits and call me in the morning. Yes, it's definitely a case of shit. $99.95, please... Shit, where's this organ supposed to go?
Psychologist: Shit is in your mind. Everything that happens is shit; some of it is just repressing its subconscious shittiness.
Programmer: It's shit, but at least it compiles.
Social Scientist: Let's pretend that shit doesn't happen...
Politician: It's shit, but it'll get me elected. If you elect me, there will never again be shit. Shit is bad for the economy.
Waitress: You want fries with that shit?
Musician: This shit is out of tune.
Dean: Let's see how much shit the faculty'll take.
Accountant: Why doesn't this shit add up?
Linguist: What I'm doing is a bunch of feces tauri. (For non-Latin-speakers: feces tauri=the excrement of a bull)
Quality Control Inspector: This shit ain't good enough.
IRS Auditor: I'll make 'em squirm for putting this shit on their tax forms.
Farmer: I get subsidies for my shit.
Union leader: Give us more shit or we'll strike.
Mafia boss: Rub the shit out.
NYC Cab Driver: Damn, looks like I hit that shit...

If at first you don't succeed...destroy all evidence that you tried.

Thank You, Sylvrn. Definetly something for us all to consider! Especially the last part!

I suppose the question now is, What do I do with the rest of my time? I mean, I can't very well sit here forever waiting for inspiration to happen to me, and no one else seems confident enough to share theirs so.....
Well, I'm sure something will come to me

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