Where Jeff Long is God

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Greetings, mortal traveler, and welcome to my domain. The mortals who surround me refer to me as Jeff Long, but in this cybernetic universe, you may refer to me as Eshainin. It really matters little. I have had various aliases over the years, as you humans seem to be so obsessed with the concept of names. Magus, The Reaper, Golbez, Fredricco Fernandez, The Unforgiven, The Xenophobic, Hellbound, The Fool - all of these names and more have been branded to me at one time or another. It truly does not matter which one you prefer. I am who I am, regardless of my title.

Now, if you're tired of that boring drivel, I'll get to the real point. This page is here to provide information and opinions on things that are of interest to Jeff Long (that would be me). I intend to be adding more text-links to this page as time goes on (waaay on), so just click on any you want to read. If you want to find out about my religious beliefs, and my reasoning behind me being God, then KEEP READING!

A picture of me (heh, yeah right)

Here are the areas of this Site that you can visit:

About Eshainin: Click here to find out about Eshainin (the character, not me)

Internet Gaming: Go in here to read about my role-playing experiences over the Net.

My Writing: Click here to check out some of my own writing. I haven't updated this in ages, so it still sucks. Not to say my recent writing has gotten any better...

Festival Pictures: Click here to see some of my Medieval Society pictures, taken direct from Australia! The only downside is that I'm in most of them. Oh well, too bad for you.

Jamaka Sun Campaign: I can't believe I've actually updated this site. This page is about the Jamaka Sun D&D campaign that I am currently running. Go there for a good time, mon.

Res Publica Aeternus: The official webpage for the latest Jeff Long Spherus campaign.


Legends of the Blade: This is my brother's Site, and is a very good Site, as long as you remember that everything it says about me is a LIE!

Kinepik Iskwew: My friend Tobi~Dawne's Website about herself and Wicca.

Freaky Z's Page: A hillarious page that's main feature is the number of characters that Freaky has role-played. Note that I was the Game-Master for at least half of those characters.

Kevin's Star Wars and FFIII Site: Kevin is the guy who made the logo for the Domain of Eshainin. If you want your own logo, click here to visit his Site.

A picture of my D&D group at Halloween. I'm the one in the middle with the black hat and red mask.


You see, we Gods are not exactly what you people think we are. We don't sit around in our shining temples, waiting for people to worship us. We don't throw lightning and fire down from the skies to destroy our non-believers. We don't snicker under our breaths when people come grovelling before us begging for our mercy (okay, so we do that from time to time). No, life could never be that easy for us. The closest analogy that I can think of is that we Gods are something like government agents. Every now and then, we come down from our 'Headquarters in the Sky' to investigate the progress that you humans have been making over the years. Most of us just assume a 'human' identity and assimilate ourselves into your population. Generally, though, we prefer to limit our area of expertise to a specific part of the world. For instance, my co-workers refer to me as the 'God of Canada'. Though to be more precise, my title should simply be the 'God who lives in Canada'. Not every country has a God living there, but we Gods can be found all across the globe.>

I know what you're wondering now. If all us Gods are like agents, who is it that we work for? Well, I'm not really supposed to tell you this, but as long as you keep quiet about it, it should be okay. You see, despite being Gods, there is a being even higher up than us in the divine hierarchy. This being, from whom we all take our orders, is known only as 'Big Brother'. None of us have actually seen 'Big Brother', but we are assured that he is always watching us. That's why we Gods have to be so careful about letting people know what we REALLY are. We never know if an ordinary-seeming person is really a sinister, undercover agent sent by 'Big Brother' to spy on us. I personally wasn't around the last time somebody crossed 'Big Brother', but the older Gods still tell stories about it when we gather at the big disco-parlor-in-the-sky (which is where we all hang out on Saturday nights).

Well, I've already said enough. Most of you will probably never even meet one of us Gods, and even if you do, you'll have no idea what we really are. So - go. Enjoy your life. Live it to the fullest. But just remember to keep one thing in mind:


And now, the Domain of Eshainin proudly presents:

The Top Ten of the Month!!

The Top 10 Mr. T gift ideas for Christmas this year!

10. Rocky III, the motion picture. "I pity the fool!"

9. A whole ton of gold chains, personally worn by Mr. T.

8. The Mr. T Dance-O-Mania video! Get down, suckah!

7. A Mr. T piggy-bank that converts your money into solid gold!

6. A really cool 1982 GMC Custom Van!!!!

5. A video-tape with selected A-Team episodes: "The A-Team: A Christmas Collection"

4. An all-expenses paid, one-way trip to Brazil, fool!

3. A 90 minute audio-tape with Mr. T saying "I pity the fool who don't buy this tape!" over and over again.

2. A subscription to the ultimate magazine, "Mr. T Monthly".

And the number one Mr. T gift idea for Christmas this year is...

1. A whole crate full of pure badassness, enough to get you through the entire new year! Merry Christmas, suckahs!

I pity the fool who don't like the Mr. T Top Ten!

If you have any questions or comments about this site, or just feel a need to annoy somebody, please feel free to E-mail me at


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